Daily Reading

May 5 - Just a grain

May 5 – Just a grain....

"Truly I tell you," Jesus replied, "if you have faith and do not doubt, not only will you do what was done to the fig tree, but even if you say
to this mountain 'Be lifted up and thrown into the sea,' it will happen” - Matthew 21:21

I was looking at the pear tree in my garden and admiring how lovely it looks in full blossom against the sky – it's a BIG tree, as you can see from the picture. Although I was a witness to it's 'birth,' I still find it hard to take in that this fruit tree, that faithfully, year after year, yields pounds of delicious pears, originated from a pip in a pear my mother was eating. Looking at the tree, I can recall her saying, “I wonder if I put this pip in a plant pot, if it will grow?” Nothing daunted, in faith, she planted it – and it grew. A newborn baby was never tended with such loving care Oh, the excitement when the first shoots appeared. As it grew it was fed and watered and given place of honour by the fireplace.

That particular year an orange pip and a peanut were the next to bite the dust, as, encouraged by the 'faith result' of the pear tree, my mother's enthusiasm knew no bounds. The pear tree, now big enough to be moved into a sheltered spot in the garden, had it's fireside place taken over by the orange plant – at the same time, the peanut was making a run for freedom – feelers everywhere....across the windowledge, up the wall and curtains, but when it came wrapping itself around the kitchen sink taps – enough was enough. It had to go. Likewise the orange plant became too big to keep in the house and sadly died.

The thing that struck me was the unwavering faith my mother had shown. There was no doubt in her mind that the pear, orange and peanut plants would not grow if she nurtered them and remained focussed on the end result – one day, eating pears from her very own pear tree.

Have you ever been around someone of faith....someone who didn't have the word
impossible in their vocabulary? It's the most incredible thing, and remarkable how it builds courage into one's own faith. How do we learn to have that sort of faith? It's a lifetimes work....learned one day at a time. We learn it through endurance. James says, “Consider it all joy my brethren, when you encounter various trials, knowing that the testing of faith produces endurance. And let endurance have it's perfect result, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” - (1:2-4).

James isn't talking about short bursts of faith, but a regular habit of living – lifetime faith, learned not when things are going well, but through the depths of sorrow, despair, pain, and financial insecurity. This sort of faith results in the kind of endurance James spoke of. Like a wheel that turns, makes a full cycle, and comes back to the same point every once in a while.

Hebrews 11 tells us about Bible characters who, like my mother, also showed the results of faith, learned through the hardships of daily life. Noah, a farmer, who went into the boatbuilding business, working on the boat for 120 years until the rains came. Abraham, a business man, who followed where God lead. And Sarah, his wife – just a housewife who became a name in the faith records. Joseph, a slave with a prison record, who clung to his faith and became prime minister in Egypt. Then there is Moses working as a shepherd for his father-in-law – it took Moses eighty years before he was to do anything spiritually significant. To say nothing about the life Rahab lived – a known prostitute – yet it's her faith that is the reason we know her today.

God never promised us a rose garden. Faith doesn't change our circumstances, but it changes us. It gives us the strength to hang on, and hang in there, when the odds are stacked against us. Had those pips failed to germinate and grow, yes, there would have been disappointment. But I know my mother would have tried again, and persevered until she had succeeded.

How are your roots doing?

Living by Faith” - LIVE is the music for today's blog. Click on the picture to listen.


May 3 - Addicted to Jesus

May 3

‘The thief cometh not but to steal and to kill and to destroy. I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly’. John 10:10

I am reading a brilliant little paper back by Doug Batchelor called At Jesus’ Feet. Quite often I blog about things that I have either read, heard or just issues which I think may be of interest. In this case I could never say it as well as the author so this is a direct quote from page 26

‘I have a radical theory that God made all humans to be addicts. That’s right, every one of us is an addict, and God designed us that way! That is, God wired us to be addicted to Him. And when people reject Him. They struggle in vain to fill that cavernous black hole with some other obsession.

Some become workaholics; some become addicted to food and suffer bulimia or obesity. Others choose alcohol, drugs or cigarettes as their favourite addiction. For some, it’s sex or music; still others, fashion and outward appearances. They become consumed with materialism and vanity. And there are those who become addicted to other people in twisted co-dependent relationships. All this is done is a misguided attempt to fill a void designed for God.

Human beings were created to be filled with God’s Spirit, and when God is not the centre of their lives they will desperately seek to fill that vacuum with something else. God designed us to be addicted in love to Him. It is only in Him that we will find joy and satisfaction.’

The truth of the matter is that Jesus came so that we might have a chance of life eternal in all its glory. He doesn’t want us to be miserable in our own little corners, addicted to things which draw us away from Him. As the last part of Matthew 1:21 says

…for he shall save his people from their sins.

Jesus came to save his people from their sins not in them. Just as Jesus did for Mary Magdalene and the many others records in the bible, He has already paid the price for our sins, all that He asks is that we accept the free gift, beginning right now.

Commissioned sing ‘A life that shows.’ Click on the picture to listen.

May 2 - Come-back kid

May 2 - Come-Back Kid

“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand” - Isaiah 41:10

There was a report in the sports section of a newspaper on how Lee Steinberg put out a comeback bid a few years back. If you saw the movie Jerry Mc Quire you see what happened in this guy’s life. This guy had done over 2 billion dollars in sports deals for athletes, he had 30 number one guys selected in the first round. You might know a couple of these names in NFL history - Steve Young, Troy Aikman, Warren Moon and a bunch of other first rounder’s. He has the most players selected number 1 as a sports agent. But then, as you chronicle both the movie and the actual reality of his life, you see that after this season of advance there is a huge season of adversity. He had a very well documented battle with alcoholism, a diminishment of his practice and agency and the elimination of his certification by the NFL to represent players. I was really interested in this article because Lee Steinberg has been recertified by the NFL to represent players again. He said, I have been given a second chance, this is a blessing. I needed that time off to rediscover my spiritual life.

Why do we enjoy these comeback stories so much. I believe it’s because we are all so much like Lee. So here’s a question I want you to think about. What area of your life are you in the midst of a comeback?

Today's music poses the question to us all - “Who am I?” Click on the picture to listen.

April 29-30 - Don't take the bait

April 29-30 – Don't take the bait

Fishermen will stand along the shore; from En Gedi to En Eglaim there will be places for spreading nets. The fish will be of many kinds--like the fish of the Mediterranean Sea” - Ezekiel 47:10

Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon who was called Peter, and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen. And He said to them, "Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men." Immediately they left their nets and followed Him” - Matthew 4:18-20

A true story....A group of men had just finalised their plans for their annual fishing trip to Ireland. To say they are close, is an undestatement. Mates from primary school days, they spend all of their spare time hanging out. Sadly, two weeks before they were due to pack and go, one of them, Jimbo, died unexpectedly. Undetered the pals decided to go ahead with their plans and take Jimbo in his urn with them. The idea was to fulfil Jimbo's wish to be scattered in an Irish river when he died – they could do that and 'be together' for one last time, and they knew how much Jimbo would have hated to miss out on the trip, had he known.

On the day, off they went with a change of clothes in their backpacks, and Jimbo as a special honour, in with the fishing tackle and bait. The following morning, at the crack of dawn, they carefully placed Jimbo in his urn on the river bank, took up their positions, and serious fishing got underway. Jimbo was always the life and soul of these trips, and the boys were really missing his banter and boasts as he caught fish after fish....and they caught nothing.

Towards the end of the second day the bait was running low, and they hadn't even caught a tiddler! Give them their due, they'd tried every trick in the book, including 'plumping up' the live bait under their tongues so they would appear rich and juicy to any browsing fish.

Jimbo never had this trouble. As one, they looked at Jimbo's urn sitting on the river bank. Yes, brilliant, use Jimbo as bait. He'd like that! He'd have his wish of his ashes being scattered in the river, but this way he'd be taking an active part as usual, in the fishing trip.

Was Jimbo as bait successful? I don't know. But if he was, I'm just positive there's no way I could have ate that catch!

Jimbo had no choice, but how many times have we, by choice, gone along with our mates for the ride, only to find ourselves being used as bait? We can't say we haven't been warned -

Be well balanced (temperate, sober of mind), be vigilant and cautious at all times; for that enemy of yours, the devil, roams around like a lion roaring [in fierce hunger], seeking someone to seize upon and devour” - 1 Peter 5:8

Today's music
is Bryn's choice - “Been there, Done that! LIVE. Click on the picture to listen.

April 28 - Room for all

April 28 – Room for all

"My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” John 14:2-3 

Some of the saddest words on earth are: We don’t have room for you!

Sorry, I don’t have room for you on the team.
I don’t have room for you in my heart.
We don’t have room for your type in here.

Jesus was still in Mary’s womb when the innkeeper said, We don’t have room for you. When the religious leaders accused him of blasphemy saying, We don’t have room for a self-proclaimed Messiah! Even today Jesus goes from heart to heart, asking if he might enter. But more often than not he hears the words of the Bethlehem innkeeper…. sorry, too crowded. I don’t have room for you.

It seems incredible that in this 21st century, these words are still echoing around the world. The year 2015 saw over one million migrants and refugees from countries such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, via sea routes, seeking asylum in Europe. In addition to these, in the Mediterranean, 3,771 died or went missing, in the attempt.

Once in Europe on the land routes taken by the refugees and migrants, they are met at almost every border with tear gas, rubber bullets or razor wire fences. The age old words ring out, Sorry. Too crowded. We don't have room for you! Fear has taken the place of compassion. I am no politician, I don't know how this situation will be resolved, but in it the fulfilment of God's Word can be seen.

As I write this blog, TV news is screening scenes of the crowds that have gathered in Liverpool to celebrate the verdict of 'Unlawful deaths' of the 93 who died at the Hillsborough football disaster in 1989. As I watch, the crowd has begun to sing the adopted Liverpool anthem - “You'll never walk alone.”

This is the only thing that holds out any hope for the million or so migrants and refugees – the 93 grieving families in Liverpool who have waited 27 years to see justice done on behalf of their loved ones who died, - the knowledge that God will never leave them nor forsake them....they will never walk alone. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Jesus says, I have ample space for you! His words in John 14:2, “Trust in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms.” We make room for him in our hearts, and he makes room for us in his house!

The Promise” (LIVE) by The Martins is today's music choice. Click on the picture to listen.


April 26 - Are you spoilt?

April 26

‘If you love me keep my commandments.’ John 14:15

Who likes spoilt children?

One of the most cringe worthy sights for an adult to behold is that of a wilful and spoilt child out of control in a public place. You know the child I am talking about; the child who throws temper tantrums whilst out at the shops or in the aisle at church. Worse still if you attempt to handle the child they physically lash out, sometimes to the point of injuring themselves or even swear at you.

I have seen the looks that sort of behaviour attracts, the condescending stares, the ‘tuts’ and the shaking of heads.

“All they need is a firm boundary then they wouldn’t play up so much!”

“Well that’s what happens when you try to discipline them in public, you can tell that they rule the roost at home!”

I won’t even speak about the open negotiations, from the adult, that take place in an attempt to save face. Yet that same child hours later will present as sweet as pie. Some would say that it is a case of the child becoming the parent. This means that instead of the adult taking charge and leading out in the situation, the child is the one who effectively has all of the power and controls the relationship.

That is how we sometimes present to our heavenly father, as a spoilt child that is. Promising to be on our best behaviour if we get the bus we got up too late to catch, or the pass the exam we failed to study for. Then if we don’t get what we want then we sulk and blame everyone else instead of recognising that God is there for us whatever the situation.

It is a simple equation that God asks us, if we say that we love him then we will keep his commandments. So, are you the spoilt child trying to be the parent effectively bossing God around? Or do you demonstrate, by your actions, that you love him? You decide.

The song for today is ‘Who am I?’ Click on the picture to listen.

April 25 - Sun clouds?

April 25

‘But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.’ Matthew 12:36

The comedian and game show host Steve Harvey once asked the question, ‘what happens when you push the send button?’

I have often questioned that myself even though I have a fair knowledge of all things Internet. In the broadest sense, information is uploaded to a virtual cloud somewhere and downloaded to the receiving device extremely quickly! There is an awful lot of science that I intentionally left out so as not to confuse myself!

The information is coded and supposed to be secure but electronic store sell decoding devices (I have no idea why) to steal information as it floats through the air. Concepts like Bluetoothä and Infer Redäonce our friend are now used to track our every movement and inform marketing companies of our preferences because we no longer have time for surveys.

Have you considered what would happen if this virtual cloud came down? I mean, if it is a cloud then surely all clouds rain at some stage unless there is something called a sun cloud.

Matthew 12:36 records that thought in the gospel,

‘But I tell you that everyone will have to give account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.’

In 2012 the Guardian newspaper reported that social media-related crime has risen by 780% in 4 years. In the same year the Daily Mail reported that a crime linked to Facebookä is reported to police every 40 minutes. Indeed that year, officers logged 12,300 alleged offences involving the vastly popular social networking site.

Ecclesiastes 12:14 tells us ‘For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.’ Let us be wise what we share and remember that even deleted content is not hidden from our heavenly father.

Sandi Patty, Larnelle Harris and Steve Green sing ‘Seekers of your heart.’ Click on the picture of your heart. 

April 22-23 - Do you know Him?

April 22-23 - Do you know Him?

Jesus said, “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Matthew 7:13-14 (NASB).

So, “Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you, that He will stay with you, right to the end?”

A child became separated from his parents in a large city where they were visiting friends. He was frightened, but he knew that the friends lived right next to a church with a tall steeple. However, he had no clue how to get there. He saw a policeman on the corner and said, “Please, sir – I’m lost, but I know I need to get to a church with a large cross on top, because our friends live next door.”

The policeman smiled at the boy and said, “There are two or three churches with crosses. What else can you tell me?”

The boy thought, then said, “Oh, yeah! There is a park across the street, too.” The officer said, “I know where that is. Come with me and I'll take you there!” Taking the boy’s hand the policeman didn't just point out the way, he became the way home.

Jesus doesn’t just point out the way to God, He is the way because He takes us there personally. “When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.” John 14:3 (NLT) .

Jesus is the road we travel, and, Jesus is the companion we travel with: -

“If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself.” His presence is a promise!....and there's more:
“I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” Matthew 28:20 (NASB).
“Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 (NIV).
“God is striding ahead of you. He’s right there with you. He won’t let you down; He won’t leave you. Don’t be intimidated. Don’t worry.” Deuteronomy 31:8 (MSG).
4. “Earthly friends may fail and grieve us, one day bless, the next day leave us; but the Lord will not deceive us – oh what a Friend!”
5. As our companion He “knows our disappointments; hears us each time we cry; understands our heartaches and dries our tears.”
6. But even better news is that not only is He beside us, but He is inside us as well! “For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” Philippians 2:13 (NASB).

So, what does that mean to us?
1. It means that He ENABLES us, giving us skills to serve Him, and each other.
2. It means that He EMPOWERS us, giving us strength to face the bad days.
3. It means that He ENCOURAGES us, giving us support when life seems to be against us.
4. It means that He EQUIPS us, giving us supplies for our needs.
5. It means that He EDIFIES us, giving us stability when life is in turmoil.
6. It means that He EMBOLDENS us, giving us spiritual courage to step out in faith and trust.

Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you, and that He will stay with you right to the end?” Listen, and you'll hear Him say, “Turn around. I’m right here.”

Music is, “Do you know my Jesus?” LIVE. Click on the picture to listen

April 21 - Who am I?

Who am I?

"This is what the LORD says-- your Redeemer, who formed you in the womb: I am the LORD, the Maker of all things, who stretches out the heavens, who spreads out the earth by myself” - Isaiah 44:24.

Did anyone see “Oprah” on TV earlier this year - I believe it was on Friday, Feb. 8. The test tube babies of the 80’s have come of age...and Oprah had some of those young people on her show.

These children had no identity apart from a mother, and were in a constant search for, not only their father, but for other siblings. They admitted with tears that there is a huge void inside that needs so desperately to be satisfied, and they are willing to use all their energies to seek the truth. These young people were consumed with the hope of learning their true identities.

The heartbreak of their situation was summed up in the words of one teenager, who said that he only knew he was from test tube #46.

One mother, when asked by her child –where their father was, explained that another man, who already had a family, was loving enough to donate and that made the child a “love child.”

Here in Great Britain, there's an old bell jar that sits on top of a cupboard at a Cambridgeshire fertility clinic where history was made; it was in a dish inside this jar that the world's first IVF baby spent the hours after her conception. With the success of in vitro fertilisation (IVF), scientist Robert Edwards and his gynaecologist colleague Patrick Steptoe had changed the future for infertile couples around the world. Louise Brown was that first IVF baby (picture above). Louise is now 35 years old, and, what was then a revolutionary scientific advance, has become a routine medical treatment.

Since that time, more than five million IVF babies have been born, and it's easy to forget quite how controversial the idea of fertilising human eggs in a laboratory was at the time of Louise's birth. "It was viewed with absolute suspicion," says Professor Peter Braude, head of the Department of Women's Heath at King's College London. "If you talk to people today about human reproductive cloning, the feeling you get that it is playing God is just how it was in 1978 with IVF."

We live in a world today, and among a people who have no idea - not only of who they are, BUT where they came from. How in the world can we expect them to know where they are going?
Most are using all their energies to learn their true identities.

Well, there is good news for them, and for us...”God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure” - Ephesians 1:5 NLT. When someone introduces them to Jesus Christ, or for that matter, when you introduce anyone to Jesus Christ, he provides that person with their true identity, their true purpose in life.

Instead of music today, a child from the Eastern Christian school - “Adopted into God's Family”.  Click on the picture to play the video.

April 19 - What do you see?

April 19

‘Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.’ Luke 12:7

When I look at a building I see windows, doors, shape and maybe a value. However, when an architect sees a building, she sees the skeleton from whence the structure arose, multiple designs and the source of the materials used.

When I see a picture I first try to work out what it is, if it isn’t obvious, then I may see various colours. When as artist sees a picture they see it in context with its historical processors, they see the particular techniques that were used and they store that image in their memory bank for future reference.

When I go out to eat and really enjoy the food, I try to savor each mouthful and enjoy the moment. Someone gifted with food however, will quickly work out the ingredients and measurements that were used and recreate that dish until they have either remade it or improved upon it.

When Jesus looks at us he already knows our value, where we struggle in our walk with him but most importantly, our heart. Yet and still he loves us with an undying love and would have died if just one of us had sinned.

When your family members, your neighbours, your work colleagues look at you, what do they see? Someone who is honest, kind, compassionate, a Christian? Sometimes it is difficult to consistently be who we know we should be because our lives stagger from crisis to crisis. Yet and still Jesus knows the very hairs on our heads, and loves us just the same.

Let us remember to take this attitude of gratitude with us wherever we go and try to see the world through heavens eyes.

Sandi Patty and Larnelle Harris sing, ‘I’ve just seen Jesus.’ Click on the picture to listen.