Daily Reading

July 1 -True Grit!

True Grit

“….Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” - Matthew 17:20(NIV)

This true story is a testimony to faith in action, despite the odds.

In 1940, a large and wonderful Christian family, the Rudolph's, announced the birth of their 20th baby! (and my mother thought HER family of seven boys and two girls was enough!) Though the baby was not expected to live, having been born prematurely and with polio, she defied all odds. She did live, but by the time she was four she had suffered polio, pneumonia and scarlet fever.

This little girl was badly crippled with hardly any use of her left leg. While her brothers and sisters enjoyed running and playing outside, she was left confined to braces.

"Will I ever be able to run and play like the other children?" she asked her parents. "Honey, you only have to believe," they responded. "If you believe, God will make it happen." And she did! Now and again, she would practice walking without her braces with the aid of her siblings. On her twelfth birthday, she surprised her parents and doctors by removing her braces and walking around the doctor's office unassisted. She never wore braces again.

Her next goal was to play basketball. The coach only agreed to let her play as a means of getting her older sister on the team. She was given an outdated uniform, but she was allowed to work out with the other players. One day she approached the coach and promised him if he would give her an extra ten minutes of coaching each day, she would give him a world class athlete. He laughed, but seeing she was serious, half-heartedly agreed. Before long her determination paid off. She became one of the team's best players.

Her team went to the state basketball championships. One of the referees noticed her exceptional ability. He asked if she had ever run track. She hadn't. He encouraged her to try it. So after the basketball season she went out for track. She began winning races and earned a berth in the state championships.

At the age of 16, she was one of the best young runners in the country. She went to the Olympics in Australia and won a bronze medal for anchoring the 400-meter relay team. Four years later in Rome she won the 100-meter dash, the 200-meter dash and anchored the winning 400-meter relay team -- all in world-record times. She received the prestigious Sullivan Award as the most outstanding amateur athlete in America.

This is the amazing story of Wilma Rudolph, an Olympic gold medalist, who believed the promises of God.

We must never allow our circumstances to dictate what we can accomplish or who we can become! Let's believe the promises of God for our lives and be encouraged to move forward for him!

"Therefore I say to you, all things for which you pray and ask, believe that you have received them, and they will be granted you.” - Mark 11:24

Today's music is “One Shall Tell Another” (Wine of the Kingdom)


May 20 - Crow? or content?

May 20 – Crow, or content?

Hebrews 13:5 - “Let your conduct be without covetousness; and be content with such things as you have: for He has said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.”

There is an old Persian fable of a hen, a mouse, and a rabbit who lived together in a little house in the woods. They shared all the work and lived in harmony. The chicken found the firewood, the mouse brought the water from a nearby brook, and the rabbit cooked the meals. Each did his work faithfully and contentedly.

One day, while the hen was out in the forest looking for wood, a nosy crow approached her and asked what she was doing. When he heard, the crow began to caw, "That’s not fair! You’re doing the hardest part of the work! That rabbit and mouse are taking advantage of you!

The chicken continued about her work, but try as she would, she could not stop thinking about what the crow said. These feelings festered and festered, and by the time she got home, she was so upset that she burst out in tears, screaming, "It’s not fair! I do the hardest work of the three of us! That’s it! I’m not going to gather this heavy firewood anymore!"

Discontent spreads, as you know, and immediately the rabbit and mouse also began to argue that they had been doing the hardest work and that they were not going to do their jobs anymore either. The three argued until they were tired and finally decided to switch jobs – from now on the rabbit would gather the firewood, the hen would bring the water and the mouse would cook.

As the rabbit hopped into the forest for wood, a fox trailed him, caught him, and ate him. The chicken put the pail into the creek, but the current pulled the pail down under and the chicken with it. The mouse, while sitting on the edge of the big pot of soup, lost his balance and fell in.

Discontentment not only destroyed their happiness but their very lives.

We all have a job to do here. No job is greater than the next -- no person is greater than the next, no matter what those crows might tell you. We are all working for the same King and we can worship Him even while gathering firewood, if that's what He's called us to do!

(Acknowledgements Worthy Christian Devotions)

Listen to today's music...”A Homeless Man...”. by clicking on the picture.

May 12 - Tarry

May 11 - Tarry

Luke 24:49 “Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”

I was restless and couldn't sleep the other night, so I got up, made a hot drink, and tuned into the World News programe. Nothing in particular was on my mind to keep sleep at bay that night....until I listened to those news reports. From one continent after another Foreign Corespondents gave first-hand accounts of the horrors taking place all around them. Tragedy – so far from the perfect life God intended for His children on planet earth.

One thought kept going round in my mind as I continued to listen....”Lord, we need a miracle. Only that will sort out this worldwide mess we have got ourselves into ….” All of our lives are affected in one way or another as daily, our local news channels give out reports of yet another random stabbing – murders – suicides – muggings and sexual abuse on young, innocent childrren. At one time the elderly were respected and safe. No longer. In or out of their homes they have become to be seen as 'soft targets.'

Yes, we need a miracle – the miracle of Christ's return – and He will return soon – He promised.

After His resurrection, 'knowing He was about to depart, Yeshua (Jesus) left His disciples with a final command: stay in Jerusalem, and wait...for the promise. Of the thousands who had witnessed His miraculous ministry and heard His amazing teaching and the hundreds that had actually seen Him after the resurrection, we read in Acts that only 120 stayed and tarried until the promise arrived. But these 120 were steadfast. They waited the full term...

What would have happened if they had left after the 4th day? Or the 6th day? Or the 9th day? They would have missed the promise and the amazing blessing that came with it. But those 120 believers stayed - they stayed and pressed in until the Holy Spirit came!

Do you want the fullness of the Spirit in your life? Continue pressing in. Wait with relentless faith and patience. Perseverance is often the critical factor in receiving the promises of God. Our Lord will fulfill every good promise in His perfect time.' (Acknowledgements Worthy Devotions)

Hang in there – despite the world's current state, our future is bright with promise.

Click on the picture to listen to today's music.- Guy Penrod “You Never Let Go” (Live)

April 20 - A New Day

April 20 -A New Day

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.  In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also." - John 14:1-3

As mothers' keep vigil over their dying children, silence and an aching, heart-wrenching dread fills them at the inevitable taking place before their eyes. Every few minutes the silence is broken as the gut-wrenching cries of loss and grief scream the agony of yet another mother's broken heart....another child has died....died for the simple want of food and water.

It was a normal enough day with no sign of the disaster that was to strike like a thief in the night before the day was done. Life had followed it's usual pattern, and the working day was drawing to a close. The women were busy preparing food for their men and the children when they returned home from school.

It was then it struck – an earthquake. An approaching roar filled the air, and within seconds, the earth rose and fell like sea-waves, cracking apart into deep fissures....the school building was totally destroyed....two hundred children lay buried under the rubble.

Mothers, at great risk to their own lives, left their cooking, racing to the school, and digging into the earth with their bare hands, screaming for
help to move the stones, hoping to discover their children would be alive under the rubble....if they were, how long ould theylast without food and water?

It is April 3rd in the year AD33-36. A mother watches as the blood from His wounds falls to the ground, and listens to the abuse hurled at her
Son, watching Him die in agony, nailed to a cross between two criminals....Jesus Christ, the blameless Son of God, willingly giving His life, for us - dying in our place, and thereby taking on His own shoulders every wrong thought, word, action and inclination of our individual lives – (I wonder, as she stood there, did Mary realise her Son was dying for her too? If so, how much more intense her pain would be!)

Jesus didn't deserve it. Didn't deserve the ridicule, flogging, abuse, being stripped naked and nailed to a cross to be scoffed at by the crowds. But, He did it because He loves us. Loves us that much that He couldn't bear to face eternity without us, and this was the only way to ensure we will have Eternal Life.

Each of these mothers have so much in common with us and our lives today.

With mother number one her children are dying for want of bread and water. Right at this moment, around the world, famine and disease are claiming the lives of millions of children and adults. The Western world and it's affluent societies have much to answer for as, every day, tonnes of unused and discarded household food is dumped onto rubbish tips. But the greatest need of all in the world today, is not the bread and water with a short shelf life, but the Bread and Water that leads to eternal life.-

Jesus said to them, “I am the
bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not .... Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a fount of water springing up to eternal life." ... as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. ... on them shall lead them, even by the springs of water shall he guide them. John 6:35

This is the answer also to mother number two's situation. Many young people seeking 'freedom' venture into a life that crooks it's finger offering glitz, glamour and independence. Fed-up with conformity and rules, they long to experience a bit of life on the wild-side. They walk away from home, breaking all connections with family and faith. For a while they live what they regard as, the high-life, then out of the blue, the earthquake strikes, and they lie buried under the ruins of a life that could have, should have, been so, so different.

During all this time the mother had clawed at the 'earth' of every organisation, legal and illegal, screaming at them to help her move the stones and find her son – to bring him home and assure him that the Bread and Water he had rejected was still available.

but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I .... Jesus and the Samaritan Woman ... "Sir," the woman replied, "You have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where ... Whoever believes in Me, as the Scripture has said: 'Streams of living water will flow from within him.” John 14.

Down through the ages, the anguished cry, “Why Lord, Why? continues to escape our lips as we say “goodbye” to loved ones, or hear the doctor tell us “Sorry, but there is nothing more we can do for you” I cam't tell you anymore than you know yourselves . The depth, height, and width of the “Why;s” is unknown to me.

All I do know is from personal experience over the years as I've stood where you've stood at these times when the question of “Why Lord? Why? Where
are you?” is inescapable Jesus has been right there at my side, assuring me that that wasn't the end – just the end of the beginning.

On the Friday our Saviour hung on the Cross, arms widespread to embrace the whole world, regardless of creed, colour, and status. On the Sunday

Click on the picture to listen to our music . David Phelps singing “End of the Beginning (Live)

April 8 - Stones ready?

April 8 - Stones ready?

And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord”. Joshua 24:17

One minute, just a shepherd boy tending his sheep in the peace and quiet of the countryside, and the next a warrior for His God and His people.

1 Samuel 17:10 considers the young David as he went up against the nine foot tall giant, Goliath. So resolute; so courageous! What a remarkable story in God’s Word but is there a way it has practical relevance for us today in our own battles?

We all have giants in our land. Those impossible, insurmountable things in life that shout down to us with scorn and derision; “I defy the armies of Israel this day; give me a man, that we may fight together” (1 Samuel 17:10). Goliath was boastful and arrogant for good reason: he was really BIG, had never been defeated and figured he never would be, especially by the wimpy Israelite army who sat on the other side of the mountain shaking in their boots.

But consider this: David was well prepared to go into battle with Goliath. He was being led by the Spirit of God; this was God’s timing; David was confident – not arrogant; and his life experiences rose up to help him. He used a weapon he was totally familiar with, (his slingshot) and felled the giant after withdrawing five smooth stones from his shepherd’s pouch.

Now look at your own giant and realize that there is not a battle you are up against that you are not already equipped to win. God has been preparing you all of your life for every adversity, problem and mountain of impossibility that will ever come your way. Alone tending sheep, I’m sure David never imagined that he would face Goliath or anyone else like him. Yet there was inside of him a reservoir for victory.

God has placed that inside you too. Look down deep; what weapon is already in your pouch? Have you five smooth stones?

(Acknowlegements Barbara Lardinais)

Joshua also publicly made his choice when faced with the question, “this day whom you will serve?. He replied with confidence and passion - "I have chosen the Lord!" ... Joshua's choice to serve God was personal, passionate, and permanent. Today, will you say like he did, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

Click as usual on the picture to listen to today's music.”Give me faith”/Acoustic/Worship

March 23 - Where HAS it gone!

March 23 – Where HAS it gone!

Ephesians 5:15-17 “So be very careful how you live. Do not live like those who are not wise, but live wisely. Use every chance you have for doing good, because these are evil times. So do not be foolish but learn what the Lord wants you to do”.

Ecclesiastes 3:1 “There is an occasion for everything, and a time for every activity under heaven:”

Following the accident which paralysed her, Joni Eareckson Tada wrote in '365 Days of Hope' about the bitterness she had for some time felt about her dependency, and her regrets at the way she had reacted to friends and nursing staff; but her greatest regret was for the years she had wasted. She wrote -

“In my early teens I memorised entire Beatles albums but felt bored at memorising Scripture. I turned down a summer mission trip because I didn't want to be away from my boyfriend. Then came my accident in 1967 and more years of spiritual dryness as I sneered at nurses and took out my anger at my family.

Even after I got my spiritual act together, I wasted time. For almost a year I let die a habit of prayer. For ages I ignored Bible reading. Worthless years. Futile. Wasted.”

Reading this, I began to think back over my own life and how much time I too have wasted. O yes, I've been good at coming up with excuses that I was up to my eyes, busy with other work, but if I'm honest, much of that 'busyness', was self-imposed. Is this still so? Well, that's something I'm looking very closely at at the moment.

A year is made up of months, weeks, days, hours and moments. We only have to waste three short months and that is a quarter of our year gone, our lives – futile – wasted.

Time seems to have speeded up and people are despondent and afraid for the future. We can, and must, stop wasting time and reach out to the lonely, desperate, searching, and bring them God's message of peace, hope, and security.

Let us m
ake time for the Lord in prayer. Walk with Him daily. The world teaches us that it’s all about me, but this should not be. Let us put others before ourselves. We must stop this comfortable Christianity and seek to tell others about Christ. Soon it’s going to be too late to accept Him, it’s going to be too late for us to get to know Christ more, it’s going to be too late to witness. Don’t put off doing God’s will.  We must stop being lazy. Who cares what is going on in the world, it's temporary, and we are looking forward to the eternal?

What is going on with your relationship with Christ? Don’t let us waste our lives! Or hear it said: “The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved”. .
Jeremiah 8:20 (Websters Bible Translation)

To listen to today's music, click on the picture. Michael English singing “Please Forgive me”.

March 3 - Works together for good

Jesus said, 'It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick.'  Matthew 9:12

Is seeking medical help a sign of lack of faith?  Jan Dravecky writes from experience:  'Although Jesus Himself declared the sick need a doctor, some be;ievers continue to insist that seeking medicsl help demonstrates a lack of faith - especially when the help that's needed is psychological.

But the human brain is a physical organ.  Why can't we accept that the brain can get sick. just as a heart or liver can?  Our mental health is partially a result of what is happening in the part of our bodies called the brain.  Depression, for example, involves a lack of seratonin necessary to transport the responses between the neurons in the brain.

So don't just sit there and let someone tell you to pull yourself together; you may be physically incapable of pulling yourself together.  Even if you're afraid of what you might find out, face that fear and get professional help to find out what is causing your problems and what can be done to help you.'

Click on the picture to hear today's music - Mark Lowry singing "Does Jesus Care?"

February 24 - Fear not

February 24 - Fear Not

"There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee.” - Joshua 1:5

Has someone deliberately tried to discredit you? Gone out of his way to tear you down? Persuaded others to believe something untrue about you?”

The other day, during our conversations, not one, but two people told me how they dread Monday mornings when, from the comfort and safety of their individual family homes, they would have to go back to work and put in a productive day, despite a group of so-called colleagues who take every opportunity to undermine them and assasinate their characters. Both come from very different backgrounds, and work in different professions.

First thought was 'Why don't they resign....move on to a less stressful environment....one where their skills, talents and who they are is valued?' But even as I was digesting the thought, they went on to tell me they don't have that luxury. Without their income their families would find it hard to pay the bills, pay off the debts that were already accruing, fund the basic needs of their children, and their extra- curriculae activities..

Have you experienced it in your life? It's treatment not exclusive to the school room, factory/shop floor etc., but raises it's ugly head wherever there are those who feel themselves to be envious and superior to their 'target' – the higher up the social and professional scales you go and there it is. When the 'gossips' are running low on amunition, they will occasionally use the tactic of sending over 'the snout, the friendly face' – the 'I'm on your side....tell me all about it'. They could save themselves the effor. In most cases they fool no-one.

How are they coping then? To give themselves courage, like Neheniah, these friends rely on prayer, trust in God, and just keep their heads down, determined not to have their confidence and self-esteem dragged through the dirt, or, sink to their tormentor's level by retaliating.

They can relate their experience to that of Nehemiah. “Nehemiah must have scratched his head when his enemies tried five times to lure him outside the city, where certain death awaited. They tried rumors, coercion and bald-faced threats, but Nehemiah wasn’t fooled. He trusted God and knew that Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem’s claims weren’t true. These enemies were spreading rumours, trying to frighten Nehemiah and his men into stopping their work on Jerusalem’s walls. Instinctively, Nehemiah turned to prayer and asked God to provide strength for finishing the task.

Next, Nehemiah had to be wary when his enemies sent a wolf in sheep’s clothing, inviting him to hide out in the temple for his own safety—an act that would have gone against God’s laws. Yet even when threatened with death, Nehemiah didn’t allow himself to fall into that trap. He had insight into the situation that reinforced his trust in God, rather than believing the bad reports of other men.

Thankfully, neither you nor I, will probably ever experience an assassination attempt. But, face an enemy who wants to assassinate your character? Like Nehemiah’s enemies, people who are bent on opposing you can be very resourceful, even downright nefarious, in getting their way. Should you fight back? Or run away and hide?

Remember that, like Nehemiah, you have a heavenly Father to whom you can always turn. As hard as Nehemiah’s enemies tried to attack him, through prayer he found the power to continue his work without fear. You can too. When you trust God for protection, he will fill you with strength to complete the unique tasks he gives you and the courage you need to withstand character assassination attempts.

Is there someone in your circle/my circle who brings us down or makes us feel afraid?

Acknowledgments NIV New Men Devotional Bible. Zondervan.

Today's music choice is "Through it All"

February 7 - There's a Plan

February 7 -

Ephesians 2:19-22, "Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ being the Chief Cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows ...

Our local free newspaper carried a lead headline announcing that the Local Authority had, at last, after months of wrangling, been given the go-ahead to build some eighty plus houses on what has been until now, a green-field site. Little detail was printed regarding the style and character of these homes - time only will tell.

Thinking about these houses I got to wondering about my “house”, and the style and character I have grown into over the years of my life.

Before I was born my Architect had determined the locality in which He wanted my house to be planted (Psalm 139). He had drawn up the plans for the Foundation (Exodus 20), provided scale models – the Apostles and prophets (Ephesians 2:19-22), along with the essential Builder, and Cornerstone; then equipped me with the skills I would need to project manage and complete a house that would reflect the glory of the Architects vision (Genesis 1:26)

But in reality, what have I done with all of this available knowledge and assistance? What now is the style and character of my “house”?

Well, given the freedom to choose I had my heart set on building either a lighthouse, or a country cottage - buildings with walls strong and stout enough to withstand the inevitable storms, winds, and disasters that would inevitably lash against them as years went by, and a roof that would spread it's "arms" wide, covering and protecting all who enter the building.  Both the lighthouse, or the cottage, would beam out beacons of light into the darkness  - the message of the Architect's concern for the safety of all who are in danger of drowning in despair as their hopes and dreams lie shattered.

Have I chosen wisely, and drilled deep and anchored my foundations in the Solid Rock, Cornerstone in pride of place? Is my beam of Light polished and shining brightly, helping others to find peace and safety, and avoid wreckage of their dreams and hopes?

If I'm openly honest, my answer is “Not always”. Over the years I've had periods when my life has gone from semi-detached to detached as I've found excuses to justify less time spent with my Bible - and what about the 'terraced house' phase – times when I have wanted to blend in with the majority and not stand out as being 'different'?

Then there have been the 'sky-scraper' do-it-myself times. Thank God these have been few and fleeting as something has always happened to bring me back down to earth and realise that it's through Christ only that heaven can be reached (Genesis 11:1-9). 

If this has been the 'building years', what can be said about the future retirement years beckoning us all? Well, they too will still be building years. Our houses may be ship-shape and in good order by then, but there will still be work to do, guiding, helping, and supporting the builders of the next generation, alerting them to the dangerrs of trying to achieve their dream home by their efforts alone - directing them to choose wisely, and always follow the Architects original Plans at every stage, whether it's a new-build, or a renovation project.

When physical work is beyond us we can continue working as  prayer warriors, underpinning the efforts of new labourers as they erect walls, strong and stout, building homes that will be havens of peace and grace, assurance of the truth of the Light's message of safety and everlasting life.

Building our home requires dedication and  perseverance, but the end result will be beyond our dreams and expectations. 


Music today is . “On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand” – click on the picture to listen.

January 17 - He's here!

January 17 – He's here!

Zephaniah 3:17
 "The Lord your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing."

Life really can be a roller coaster with some seeming to get more than their share of the tough stuff. A young woman I was talking to – or perhaps I should say, listening to, the other day, is really going through a tough time and needed to talk about it. She is holding down three jobs; volunteering at the local school; caring for two young children with their needs and demands, along with their curricular activities, and the variable work shifts of her plumber partner and caring for their home. All this and caring for her mother Now it transpires she has done all this while enduring severe stomach pain and all the symptoms of Endometriosis. She never thinks of her own needs but has now been driven to seek medical tests – result? She urgently needs a hysterectomy. She was saying how troubled she feels - “how can I? I can't be laid up, it would mean letting so many people down.”

Despite our deep-seated – and very natural – desires for trouble-free, happy, secure existencies, Christians everywhere face family struggles, financial crises, debilitating diseases, and crushing disappointments. It's always something! Does that mean God isn't happy with us? Are these tough times punishmentfor sin or correction for misdeeds? Maybe. God does discipline His children when He wants to correct behaviour. But the reality is, because you're human you're going to struggle with tough stuff.

In the course of our 'normal' lives, so many demands are made of us that we sometimes feel we're going crazy. We try making a priority list of everything we have to do, then prioritizing our prioity list. We think it's all sorted, then out of the blue we're zapped by even more demands.

So, what do you do when life gets so tough you think you can't endure another minute? If you're feeling ...SANDWICHED between aging parents who need your help and the demanding schedules of your teenagers; STRETCHED beyond the limits at work, trying to survive the next round of corporate down-sizing: DAZED and emotionally bruised after your spouse walked out on the marriage you thought would last a life-time. 

Life is tough. If we're going to survive, we need our Father.

(Acknowledgements: Charles Swindoll, “Tough Stuff” 1995).

Episcopalian Bishop William Frey tells a story of his time at university in Colorado, USA (1951) – a long time ago, yes, but a perfect illustration of God's love and care for us. Every week William used to spend two hours reading to a fellow student, John, who was blind – the result of an accident as a teenager. When told he would never see again, John became angry and bitter. Giving up on life he blamed God and locked himself away in his room, emerging only at meal times.

William knew John to be an eager, avid learner. He asked John what had happened to bring him out of his depression and changed his attitude. In reply John told his story.

“One day, in desperation, my father came into my room and started giving me a lecture. He said he was tired of me feeling sorry for myself. He said that winter was coming, and it was my job to put up the storm windows. “You get those windows up by suppertime tonight, or else!!” he shouted before slamming the door on his way out. John was so angry he resolved to do it....he would show his Dad!

Muttering and cursing to himself John groped his way to the garage, found the windows, a stepladder, and all the necessary tools for the job. “They'll be sorry when I fall off the ladder and break my neck” he thought, but little by little groping his way around the house, John got the job done.

His eyes misted up as he told William, “I later discovered that at no time during the day had my father ever been more than four or five feet from my side.” Just as God is present with all of us when our days and lives get tough and rough.

In the conclusion of his book,
'Getting Through the Tough Stuff', Charles Swindoll writes: 'Getting through the tough stuff is neither quick nor easy. It's what makes life seem harsh and unfair, sometimes even impossible. But knowing that we have our Father near can be just enough can be just enough to keep us on our feet and able to take on whatever tomorrow may include. Since it's always something....the good news is this: He's always there'.

(Acknowledgements: Charles Swindoll, “Tough Stuff” 1995).  

Romans 8:38-39
 "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Today's music is “He is here (LIVE) Gaither Vocal Band.  Click on the picture to listen.