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May 12 - Tarry

May 11 - Tarry

Luke 24:49 “Behold, I send the Promise of My Father upon you; but tarry in the city of Jerusalem until you are endued with power from on high.”

I was restless and couldn't sleep the other night, so I got up, made a hot drink, and tuned into the World News programe. Nothing in particular was on my mind to keep sleep at bay that night....until I listened to those news reports. From one continent after another Foreign Corespondents gave first-hand accounts of the horrors taking place all around them. Tragedy – so far from the perfect life God intended for His children on planet earth.

One thought kept going round in my mind as I continued to listen....”Lord, we need a miracle. Only that will sort out this worldwide mess we have got ourselves into ….” All of our lives are affected in one way or another as daily, our local news channels give out reports of yet another random stabbing – murders – suicides – muggings and sexual abuse on young, innocent childrren. At one time the elderly were respected and safe. No longer. In or out of their homes they have become to be seen as 'soft targets.'

Yes, we need a miracle – the miracle of Christ's return – and He will return soon – He promised.

After His resurrection, 'knowing He was about to depart, Yeshua (Jesus) left His disciples with a final command: stay in Jerusalem, and wait...for the promise. Of the thousands who had witnessed His miraculous ministry and heard His amazing teaching and the hundreds that had actually seen Him after the resurrection, we read in Acts that only 120 stayed and tarried until the promise arrived. But these 120 were steadfast. They waited the full term...

What would have happened if they had left after the 4th day? Or the 6th day? Or the 9th day? They would have missed the promise and the amazing blessing that came with it. But those 120 believers stayed - they stayed and pressed in until the Holy Spirit came!

Do you want the fullness of the Spirit in your life? Continue pressing in. Wait with relentless faith and patience. Perseverance is often the critical factor in receiving the promises of God. Our Lord will fulfill every good promise in His perfect time.' (Acknowledgements Worthy Devotions)

Hang in there – despite the world's current state, our future is bright with promise.

Click on the picture to listen to today's music.- Guy Penrod “You Never Let Go” (Live)



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