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April 19 - What do you see?

April 19

‘Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.’ Luke 12:7

When I look at a building I see windows, doors, shape and maybe a value. However, when an architect sees a building, she sees the skeleton from whence the structure arose, multiple designs and the source of the materials used.

When I see a picture I first try to work out what it is, if it isn’t obvious, then I may see various colours. When as artist sees a picture they see it in context with its historical processors, they see the particular techniques that were used and they store that image in their memory bank for future reference.

When I go out to eat and really enjoy the food, I try to savor each mouthful and enjoy the moment. Someone gifted with food however, will quickly work out the ingredients and measurements that were used and recreate that dish until they have either remade it or improved upon it.

When Jesus looks at us he already knows our value, where we struggle in our walk with him but most importantly, our heart. Yet and still he loves us with an undying love and would have died if just one of us had sinned.

When your family members, your neighbours, your work colleagues look at you, what do they see? Someone who is honest, kind, compassionate, a Christian? Sometimes it is difficult to consistently be who we know we should be because our lives stagger from crisis to crisis. Yet and still Jesus knows the very hairs on our heads, and loves us just the same.

Let us remember to take this attitude of gratitude with us wherever we go and try to see the world through heavens eyes.

Sandi Patty and Larnelle Harris sing, ‘I’ve just seen Jesus.’ Click on the picture to listen.



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