Daily Reading

June 23 - "Who"?

June 23 - “Who”?

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth” – Psalm 19:1-6.

It began as a normal day but was to end with a mind-blowing event for this young country lad. He'd spent his life avoiding the crowded city streets, working for his father in the quiet rugged hills. Content, he wanted nothing more from life than the freedom of the great outdoors and nature. As he cared for the sheep he had time and space to compose songs. He was inspired by everything he saw. The nights he spent in the hills perhaps impressed this young lad more than any other time. Beyond his family he was hardly known in the neighbourhood. When asked if they knew him, the familiar response came back, “Who?”

Then suddenly, one day, he became the most famous young man in the country....his name a household name – he was the original skyrocket success story. Should have swept him off his feet, made him proud and boastful, big-headed and conceited, but not this lad. He couldn't wait to retreat back to the hills – back to where he loved to be, where he belonged, away from the limelight. There in the hills he could sleep content with his sheep surrounding him.

Little did David know of the hellish nightmare he was to encounter....scenes of battle in the vslley....the intimidating roar of giant Goliath....the stones, and the thud as a stone met it's target. Then King Saul. God, in the future, was to lead David through darker valleys than he ever knew existed, as King Saul, the man whose life he had saved, was so driven by David's increasing popularity, that his one haunting passion was David's death.

King Saul, driven by suspicion and jealousy, literally went mad.

Stuck between a rock and a hard place, David was in a jam, sandwiched between public applause and the private horror of King Saul's spear. For more than twelve years, David became a fugitive, adversity his constant companion. Throughout, David conducted himself with humility, loyalty and integrity.

Charles Swindoll writes: 'It is easy to forget that two magnificent and lasting benefits were born out of the womb of woe: first, the deepening of much of David's character and, second, the composing of many of David;s psalms. The traits we remember and admire were shaped, honed, and polished while David lived like a hunted animal in the wilderness. Great character, like massive roots, grows deep when water is sparse and winds are strong. And the psalms we now turn to for comfort most often emerged from David's broken heart while tears wouldn't stop and questions went unanswered. Great music, like massive rivers, must come from torrential rains in order to keep flowing, leading to the splendour and vastness of ocean-like depths.'

And where does this leave you and me today? Has there been a recent breakdown? A trust no longer there? A friend no longer there? Fears where there was once laughter and compassion – a future no longer bright? Misunderstanding now where once there was support, affirmation, and admiration? May be your employment situation....a Saul stalking your steps, sharpening his spear,..just waiting for the right moment....?

Your lot, and mine, like David's, may defy logic, but don't despair, God can, and often does, his best work in these situations. Our best traits and contributions will emerge from this incredibly painful period of our lives. I'm counting on it!

Today's music is one of Bryn's selection “The Unseen Hand” LIVE Marty Stuart, His Fabulous Superlatives.

June 22 - Snowballs

"Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law” - Romans 13:8

"The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none" - Deuteronomy 28:12

Last week we moved on from establishing a start to your emergency fund and then looked at cutting down debts with a debt snowball.

There is a big issue behind all of this, the idea that we should be finding a way to managing life without debt. That means a rethink of how and why you do things. Like most of us I want things now. That is the point behind getting credit. Loan companies know we want things now and that we want better than we currently can afford.

Our aim is to give you a method to remove your debts. We can’t, at this moment, deal with where you are in the way you live your life – but we can at least help you at the point when you realise, “I’ve got a problem. Help me get out of debt!”

So. You have sold things, you have taken extra jobs, you have a budget that you review every month. You have paid off all of your debts and you are debt free.

This is where you are supposed to say, “But you only gave me a week to pay of ALL my debts.” The process doesn’t take a week. My friend Gordon, not his real name, took just over a year to be debt free. He is on a good wage. His wife is on a good wage (from a job that God found her after years of joblessness to help pay off family debts. My friend Sid, again, not his real name is on a brilliant salary but took two years to demolish his debts. I took 18 months to iron out my indebtedness.

You may take as long, longer or you may manage in months. When the debts are gone then you move on to strengthen your position. You will take your baby emergency fund of £500 - £1000 up to a full emergency fund. I’m still working on my full emergency fund. It will take time. My aim will be to have 3 months money in the bank to cover 3 – 6 months wages if I were to be given the sack. That should be your aim too.

What is an emergency? An emergency is something you had no way of predicting. An emergency is something that has a major negative impact on you and your family if you don't cover it. Emergencies include job loss or cutback, a major car fault, a death in the family, excess payments on house or car insurances after a claim.

Something on sale that you "need" is not an emergency. You may want to buy a new car or a new sofa but that is not an emergency. If you've gone to the trouble of creating an emergency fund, make sure you are crystal clear on what is and is not an emergency.

There will be more next week, but you may be intrigued to follow up now. Have a look at the SmartStewards Facebook page - https://www.facebook.com/groups/825816587526111/

Music? - "I Will Go On"  LIVE.  Click on the picture to listen.

June 21 - Did you hear that?

June 21

‘but whoever denies me before men, I also will deny before my Father who is in heaven.’ Matthew 10:33

A teenage boy, probably about 14, confidently said, “What’s up!” whilst wheeling past me on his bike. I smiled and responded that I was ok, thinking that it was probably one of my students that I did not recognise. Looking shocked he pointed past me and it was then that I realised he wasn’t talking to me at all, I was just in line with his friend who I did not see.

How embarrassing, I didn’t know where to put myself.

Has that ever happened to you? I hope not, but the chances are that it has happened to a fair few of us. But the opposite is also true; you know where you deliberately chose not to see someone because maybe you are running late and you know that they have all day to chat shall we say. Or an unresolved situation remains so because you think that the other person should take the first step towards reconciliation.

In some, not all, ways it is more obvious when you can see someone avoid you or you do the same to them, but what about God? How often do we choose not to listen to him when we can clearly hear him talking to us?

Kelly Willard sings ‘Blessed be the Lord God Almighty.’ Click on the picture.

June 20 - World Refugee Day

June 20

"And don’t forget to do good and to share what you have with others, because sacrifices like these are very pleasing to God." Hebrews 13:16

As the blog inferred on Friday, today is World Refugee Day. Refugees are a topic that is never far from the agenda of European countries because of the displacement of many people due to recent war. Even now the UK are shortly going to a vote where they will discuss whether or not to stay in the European Union.

As a Seventh-day Adventist church our humanitarian arm ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency) has been on the forefront of aid to these people.

Please take the time and read the article here.

Today there is no song but a video showing the current work of ADRA with the refugees. Click on the picture to listen.

June 17-18 - What a difference a day makes

June 17-18 – What a difference a day makes

You will all fall away,” Jesus told them, “for it is written: “‘I will strike the shepherd, and the sheep will be scattered.’ But after I have risen, I will go ahead of you into Galilee.” Peter declared, “Even if all fall away, I will not.” “Truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “today—yes, tonight—before the rooster crows twice you yourself will disown me three times.” But Peter insisted emphatically, “Even if I have to die with you, I will never disown you.” And all the others said the same – Mark 14:27-31.

Your greatest possession
- is your next twenty-four hours, and how we spend those hours, will make a difference to our lives, and the lives of others. Will you allow television, pointless emails, unimportant tasks, your own impulses, the wrong people, or other meaningless distractions to consume your day? Or will you take control of your time and make today count?

Leadership experts say that focusing on the top 20 per cent of your priorities brings an 80 per cent return on your effort. So when you get up each morning, look in the mirror and say, ‘Today I’ll live my life according to God’s will, and give my energies to the things that help me fulfil it’. The truth is, there’ll always be things vying for your attention.

Advertisers want you to spend money on their products. And have you noticed how people with nothing to do, usually want to spend their time with you? Even your own desires can be so diverse and your focus so scattered that you aren’t sure what needs your attention first. That’s why you need to focus like a laser on your God-given purpose.

Whatever you concentrate on, you give strength and momentum to. Your priorities determine how you spend your time, so set them prayerfully and maintain them carefully. Eliminate non-essentials. Those who tell you, ‘You can have it all’ are misguided. You can’t do everything you want to do, but you can do everything God wants you to do. You’ve got to choose! Success comes from doing the right things right, and letting the rest go.

If you’re not sure what the right things are for you, imagine yourself looking back on your life years from now – as we through the Scriptures, look back on Peter's life, his successes and failures. 

Tomorrow, June 18th 2016 is, throughout the Seventh-day Adventist church, Refugee Emphasis Day, and Monday 20th June 2016 is World Refugee Day  (don't miss Monday's blog)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jeypXVtWQT4  

Which decisions would you long to correct - things you regret not doing?

(Adapted from UCB)

"No Turning Back - sung by Tommy Brandt has been chosen by Bryn for today's music.  Click on
the picture to listen.

June 16 - Salty?

June 16 -Salty?
You are the salt of the earth. . .” - Matthew 5:13 Salt is good, but if the salt has lost its saltiness, how will you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with one another." Mark 9:50

Reading these verses, I began to think about the reasons for salt being good thing.

  1. Salt enhances the flavor of food,

  2. Salt is used to preserve meat.

  3. Salt is used to thaw ice.

  4. Salt is a water softener.

So, because Jesus said, we are the salt of the earth, how are we, as His followers salting the world around us?

We enhance our surroundings. Two examples. Our behavior is based on Biblical values—integrity, truthfulness, peace, joy and love. We dress modestly to set a standard.

We preserve by being there to help neighbors, co-workers and family when they need someone to comfort them – we are like healing ointment. We share the gospel with them so they can choose to know the power of Christ within them.

We melt icy relationships by being kind and loving to those around us even when they are cold to us. In time they will melt. Love never fails.

We soften the world around us by smiling and being gentle and kind. We make an effort to be friendly to all people—regardless of their race, religion, color, or lifestyle. We help those in need.

So, let me ask you, are you still a salty Christian? Or have you lost it? If you have, all is not lost, you can become a salty Christian again by repenting and asking the Lord to be in control of your life once again.

Acknowledgements Katherine Kehler

Music, “Salt of the Earth” - original song. Click on the picture to listen.

June 15 - Progress


June 15 - Progress

But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” - Matthew 19:26

Last week we looked at the creation of an emergency fund – and you winced. You thought that as a Christian I should be simply asking you to trust in God and to pray.

You then had the idea that you couldn’t do this. I have news for you – by yourself it is possible. By God’s Grace all things are even more possible. I know this can be done because I have four friends who have done it. They have taken £90,000 in debts and are now saving money for the first time ever. More to my point, I have done it. Thank God I am no longer at the mercy of loan sharks if I have a sudden emergency. I can thank God that He helped me plan this first spiritual step. I’ve got my emergency fund.

So what is the second baby step – which you start as soon as you have the £500 or £1000 sorted?

The second step, a baby step, is to start demolishing your debts. Your method will be to use a debt snowball.

You have already become used to a monthly budget meeting. You know what you can afford from month to month. You have become used to buying what you need rather than buying what you are told to like by the advertisers. Your children have joined you in working through the budget and they are as excited as you are to enter this most exciting phase.

What you will be doing is writing down all of your debts in all of their glory. You will not write down the biggest first or the highest interest first. You will be writing down your debts starting with the smallest debt first.

This goes against all the usual advice. The usual way is to pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first because it is cheaper that way. The problem is that this can take a long time.

The advice is this, go for the quick hit. Knock off the smallest debt first. It is a quick fix. You feel good. Now you can throw everything at the next smallest debt. The process snowballs. The psychologists among you will say, “Of course, this really makes sense.” We are buoyed up by encouraging fixes.

My friend Girlie is a specialist in the ‘debt snowball principle’.  As one of the SmartStewards she adds the following advice:

1. Ask for God's wisdom

Whether you are single and are solely in charge of your own finance or married and are jointly responsible for your family's finance, the first step is to kneel down and ask for God's wisdom.

2. Identify the enemy!

For many years, Girlie writes, before we had our "lightbulb moment" my husband and I lived in denial. We knew we had debt problems but we had no idea how big our problem was. We didn’t want to know. Then we wrote everything down! What a revelation that was for both of us! It was the first time we knew what the pressure was that was weighing us both down. Honesty is very important in doing this step. Lay all your cards in front of you. You cannot solve a problem that you don't know exists – and that you can’t see. We wrote all our debts down..

Now I can give you some very personal advice. In last week’s post I mentioned my friend who had a serious debt problem that he couldn’t fix – his friends gathered around and worked for him and with him. We paid off his debt together. What I did not say then was that we had already written to all the people who owed him money and had negotiated lower interest rates. Indeed we had one debt written off. That simple step saved our friend a lot of money and made our work easier. The case was a special one, you may not have the fortune we had, but this can be tried – after prayer.

In a while I pray that in a while, a year or more, or perhaps less you will be able to write this. I have now discovered that God is with me, I am flushed with success. My debts are gone. I can celebrate with the SmartStewards and can say, with joy, “I’m debt free!”
Peter Jeynes

"Thank You Lord for Your Blessings" LIVE is today's music choice.  Click on the picture to enjoy.

June 14 - Be careful

June 14

Above all, be careful what you think because your thoughts control your life. Proverbs 4:23 (ERV)

Doing a quick Internet search I have noted that the most popular reality shows have been won by magicians over the past few years. ‘American’s got talent’ (AGT) 2014 was won by Mat Franco and ‘Britain’s got talent’ (BGT) 2016 was won by Richard Jones. Each year more and more magicians or illusionists (same thing but a sanitary title!) have received more television exposure.

Cards tricks or close magic seem to be very popular amongst this group of tricksters who ply their trade on deception.

Amongst the ones I have researched who manage to get television minutes, there are those (names not important as I am not advising that you spend time watching them) who have attempted to discredit the bible by performing their own version of the miracles found in the gospel. There have been several illusions of ‘walking on water’ as Peter did in Matthew 14:22-33 and a favourite is the ‘trick’ of turning water in to wine as Jesus did as the marriage in Cana.

These people are setting themselves up in the place of Christ who was the performed miracles, not for his own vainglory, but to glorify his father in heaven. Young minds, in particular, are susceptible to this form of entertainment and apparent wonderment. It is nothing more than evil paraded around like fine silks.

Be careful to guard our minds and especially to monitor what the youth and young are watching.

Commissioned sing ‘Only what you do for Christ will last.’ Click on the picture to listen.

June 13 - Ostrich mentality

June 13

"Control yourselves and be careful! The devil is your enemy, and he goes around like a roaring lion looking for someone to attack and eat." 1 Peter 5:8

Have you ever been called an ostrich or someone with an ostrich mentality?

A story is told of two friends walking through a jungle when they happen upon a sleeping lion. For reasons unknown one of the boys’ picks up a nearby broken branch and hurls it at the lion, catching it right on the nose. Enraged the lion angrily startles awake and quickly fixes its eyes on the cause of his disturbance before bounding towards them. Quick as a flash, the boy who threw the stone, in a wild panic starts to run to safety or at least in the opposite direction. Aware that he cannot hear his friends’ footsteps he momentarily turns and sees his companion stood rooted to the same spot.

“Run before the lion devours you!”

“Why should I?” The boy responds indignantly, “I didn’t throw it!”

Ostrich mentality. This comes from the myth that the Ostrich believes that if it can’t see, then it cannot be seen, literally burying their heads in the sand. Believing that you don’t have a sin problem because you are not religious is like burying your head in the sand. Or worse still, knowing who Jesus is but failing to get to know him because you think that your casual relationship will give you the nod when he returns is like… burying your head in the sand.

The enemy of the soul is a real person; he will attack you and take your life if you do not fortify yourself daily with Christ.

Somebody once said a day without Christ is a day wasted. Is that true for your life?

Kelly Willard sings 'Where could I go from your spirit.' Click on the picture to listen.

June10-11 - 'Dads' everywhere

June 10-11 – 'Dads' everywhere

Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” - Ephesians 6:4 (NIV) .

Another year has passed and it's almost Father's Day once again. Sadly, my father is no longer with us, and you know how you do, the mind slips back over the years as I recalled the happy times we were all together as a large, extended family. God blessed me, not only with a good dad but also with terrific brothers who were fine examples to their families of what a husband and father should be. It reminded me of a story I read about a dad who really understood his role.

Some years ago, in a military academy, the students mutinied, probably a reaction to the hard demands of such an environment. The students had gone on strike over everything: lessons, study hours, drill. When word reached their parents, the students began to receive telegrams (no internet and social media in those days), which the principal had in his possession. These messages were like a telescope through which it was possible to look into the various kinds of homes the boy’s were reared in - and the parental relationships connected with them.

One father wired his son, "I expect you to obey." Another said, "If you are expelled from school, you needn’t come home." Still another said, "I’ll send you to an insane asylum if you are sent home." Another said, "I’ll cut you off without a penny if you disgrace the family." But the best message said simply, "Steady, my boy, steady! Father." Now there was a man who believed in his son. Probably there is no greater influence upon a young man than a father who respects the spirit of his son and treats him like a man.

Confidence, mutual respect, open communication, assurance, trust.

I read another true story about a little girl who, during the night, was frightened by a fierce thunderstorm. Her father heard her crying and rushed to her bedside. As he held her in his arms, he explained that she didn’t need to be afraid. God would take care of her because He loved her so much.

"Daddy, I know God will take care of me and love me," she replied. "But right now, Daddy, I want someone with skin on."

In many homes of one-parent families, mum has to be dad too. Are the mums and dads among us building a nest egg of love and security to pass down the generations? - a Christian environment where the prodigal child will always be welcomed, valued and respected, for who they are? When your child recalls the name “Dad” in years to come, will they aspire to follow in your footsteps? Are you “someone with skin on”?

What greater love
can a parent emulate than “The Love of God” LIVE. A beautiful song. Click on the picture to listen.