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April 26 - Are you spoilt?

April 26

‘If you love me keep my commandments.’ John 14:15

Who likes spoilt children?

One of the most cringe worthy sights for an adult to behold is that of a wilful and spoilt child out of control in a public place. You know the child I am talking about; the child who throws temper tantrums whilst out at the shops or in the aisle at church. Worse still if you attempt to handle the child they physically lash out, sometimes to the point of injuring themselves or even swear at you.

I have seen the looks that sort of behaviour attracts, the condescending stares, the ‘tuts’ and the shaking of heads.

“All they need is a firm boundary then they wouldn’t play up so much!”

“Well that’s what happens when you try to discipline them in public, you can tell that they rule the roost at home!”

I won’t even speak about the open negotiations, from the adult, that take place in an attempt to save face. Yet that same child hours later will present as sweet as pie. Some would say that it is a case of the child becoming the parent. This means that instead of the adult taking charge and leading out in the situation, the child is the one who effectively has all of the power and controls the relationship.

That is how we sometimes present to our heavenly father, as a spoilt child that is. Promising to be on our best behaviour if we get the bus we got up too late to catch, or the pass the exam we failed to study for. Then if we don’t get what we want then we sulk and blame everyone else instead of recognising that God is there for us whatever the situation.

It is a simple equation that God asks us, if we say that we love him then we will keep his commandments. So, are you the spoilt child trying to be the parent effectively bossing God around? Or do you demonstrate, by your actions, that you love him? You decide.

The song for today is ‘Who am I?’ Click on the picture to listen.



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