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April 28 - Room for all

April 28 – Room for all

"My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am” John 14:2-3 

Some of the saddest words on earth are: We don’t have room for you!

Sorry, I don’t have room for you on the team.
I don’t have room for you in my heart.
We don’t have room for your type in here.

Jesus was still in Mary’s womb when the innkeeper said, We don’t have room for you. When the religious leaders accused him of blasphemy saying, We don’t have room for a self-proclaimed Messiah! Even today Jesus goes from heart to heart, asking if he might enter. But more often than not he hears the words of the Bethlehem innkeeper…. sorry, too crowded. I don’t have room for you.

It seems incredible that in this 21st century, these words are still echoing around the world. The year 2015 saw over one million migrants and refugees from countries such as Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, via sea routes, seeking asylum in Europe. In addition to these, in the Mediterranean, 3,771 died or went missing, in the attempt.

Once in Europe on the land routes taken by the refugees and migrants, they are met at almost every border with tear gas, rubber bullets or razor wire fences. The age old words ring out, Sorry. Too crowded. We don't have room for you! Fear has taken the place of compassion. I am no politician, I don't know how this situation will be resolved, but in it the fulfilment of God's Word can be seen.

As I write this blog, TV news is screening scenes of the crowds that have gathered in Liverpool to celebrate the verdict of 'Unlawful deaths' of the 93 who died at the Hillsborough football disaster in 1989. As I watch, the crowd has begun to sing the adopted Liverpool anthem - “You'll never walk alone.”

This is the only thing that holds out any hope for the million or so migrants and refugees – the 93 grieving families in Liverpool who have waited 27 years to see justice done on behalf of their loved ones who died, - the knowledge that God will never leave them nor forsake them....they will never walk alone. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

Jesus says, I have ample space for you! His words in John 14:2, “Trust in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms.” We make room for him in our hearts, and he makes room for us in his house!

The Promise” (LIVE) by The Martins is today's music choice. Click on the picture to listen.




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