February 19-20 - Dark valley
February 19-20 – Dark valley
“My God, my God, why have you forsaken m? Why are you so far from saving me, so far from the words of my groaning?” - Psalm 22:1
In times of trouble most of us will be able to identify with David and this cry. We too cry out to God....and He seems silent, far.far away. Every feeling in our bodies tells us He seems to have abandoned us, but our faith insists that could never be, He would never do such a thing – He said so, “I will never leave you nor forsake you,” - Deuteronomy 31:6. Key words, Feeling, and faith.
A.W. Tozer writing on the roles of feelings and faith describes feelings as “The play of emotion over the will, a kind of musical accompaniment to the business of living, and while it is indeed most enjoyable to have a band play as we march....it is by no means indispensable. We can work and walk without music and if we have true faith we can walk with God without feeling.”
I particularly like Psalm 23:4 - “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me.” No focus on feelings about the dark valley and it's shadows. The psalmists faith looks through the valley, past the darkness, and with trust and confidence anticipates the other side.
God doesn't abandon us in the silence, He is teaching us to have true faith.....a faith unswayed by emotion. Sometimes our walk with Him has to be without the pleasue of music to enable and encourage our faith to deepen. When the music returns it sounds all the sweeter.
The valley is a place to go through, God doesn't intend us to stay there.
“Living by Faith” (LIVE) is the music choice today. Click on the picture to listen.