January 22-23 – Today is enough
“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight” - Proverbs 3:5-6

I was talking the other day with a neighbour who has become a good friend, and felt concerned that she was anxious and distracted – concerned, because I know, in the past, she has suffered from depression. A caring person, she takes on board everyone's problems. Add those to her own health and family issues, she begins to worry, and her mind has difficulty in settling on one thing at a time. A worried mind is a divided mind. Worry takes a meat slicer to our thoughts, energy, and focus, leaving us to pick our way through the pieces.
The most common word in the Bible for “worry” is “merimnate” (Greek), from the origin word “merimnao.” This is a compound of a verb and a noun. The verb is “divide.” The noun is “mind.” If we are anxious then, our minds are divided. Anxiety has chopped our attention into minute pieces. It has derailed our purpose, and scattered our awareness in a dozen directions.
As humans we worry about the past: what we said or did. We worry about the future: tomorrow, the family, finances, global warming, and world events – the growing violence that has caused millions to flee for their lives. Anxiety takes our attention from the right now and directs it backwards, downwards, then locks itself inside our hearts and minds, corroding the joy of our God-given lives.. My father used to say, “Why waste all of your energy worrying about something that may never happen – and if it does happen, you'll have no strength left to face the problem.” On occasions he would follow it up with, “You say your prayers, don't you?” Wise words that have taught me perspective, trust in God.
The challenge is to keep our attention on the “right now.” Here is a resolve that Max Lucado wrote and often re-reads:
“Today, I will live today.
Yesterday is past.
Tomorrow is not yet.
I’m left with today.
So, today, I will live today.
Relive yesterday? No.
I will learn from it.
I will seek mercy for it.
I will take joy in it.
But I won’t live in it.
The sun has set on yesterday.
The sun has yet to rise on tomorrow.
Worry about the future? To what gain?
It deserves a glance, nothing more.
I can’t change tomorrow until tomorrow.
Today I will live today.
I will face today’s challenges with today’s strength.
I will dance today’s waltz with today’s music.
I will celebrate today’s opportunities with today’s hope.
May I laugh, listen, learn, and love today.
And, tomorrow, if it comes, may I do so again.”
Max Lucado
Let us determine to leave our problems with God. He does not need our help, counsel, or assistance. Read His words - of life - of truth. Soak in them over and over, praying, until they became so familiar, they replace the other things in your mind that you've battled against. There’s power through them, because they’re God’s words.
Change will happen. Anxious thoughts will begin to diminish. Worry will let go of its constant grip. And though fear will sometimes still bethere, it no longer wields control, holding you back, paralyzing you in its grasp.
His words are “life” words, soothing to our soul, calming to our spirits, giving power to our days.
“I'm Not Gonna Worry” - LIVE is, aptly, the music choice today. Click on the picture to listen.