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February 1 - Minds for Eternity

February 1

‘He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also He has put eternity in their hearts, except that no one can find out the work that God does from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes.’ 3:11

Minds for Eternity™ is the concept, taken directly from the scriptures, of Lorraine Daniel-Palmer, an international speaker who came to inspire a conference of church leaders recently. Originally from Birmingham she had an immediate connection with the target audience and encouraged us over the weekend to spend more time with God to develop our minds.

So what is ‘Minds for Eternity’? Essentially it is a method of evaluating each decision we make. When faced with a situation do we take the easy option and skirt around tackling it? Or, do we face, or ‘man up!’ as she put it? The second option is the premise of ‘Minds for Eternity™’ in a nutshell. As she helped us to realise, over the workshops, eternity is the one thing that the enemy of the soul cannot have because he sought temporary gratification. This is why he is using all of his energy to take us out of the prize which Jesus has already died so that we could inherit it, eternal life.

Do you want a mind for eternity? Well, why don’t you give it a try today? ‘Man up’ to those difficult decisions and lean on Jesus. He can take it.

As Lorraine Daniel-Palmer encourages "Be Authentic, Be Courageous, Be Extraordinary"

William McDowell sings ‘I give myself away’. Click on the picture to listen.



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