Daily Reading

October 27 - Beat hacking

Ocotober 27

“You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.” Psalm 139:2

Are you on TalkTalk as a broadband or phone provider? If you are then you will be aware that the system was hacked compromising sensitive data including bank details, passwords and anything really that the user conducted online. If that wasn’t bad enough we read later that this was carried out by a 15 year old boy logging onto to his computer from his bedroom in Northern Ireland. You can read about it here.

I have never been the victim of hacking so I can’t empathise. The closest situation I have to relate to that is when I came back to my car, after a difficult hospital visit, to find the lock drilled through and my stuff everywhere. Nothing was taken as there was nothing to take but it did leave me feeling very vulnerable.

No amount of safety measures on anything, be it a bank account, a car, a safety vault can stop someone taking it if they have the will to. Why would a 15 year old think to hack into a global company and offer a random note? Because he could. Probably he knew he would get caught and what’s the betting that he will probably now get a job in a to computer company helping them improve their security. This story, along with his name which cannot be given due to his age will disappear, so we will never really know.

Is anything really safe?

There is one thing that cannot be infiltrated by man or anyone else and that is you prayer life. God is the only one who can hear your prayers or your thoughts that you do not say out loud. As the Psalmist writes

“You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off.”

So if you are feeling nervous or vulnerable, close your eyes and say a silent prayer knowing that no one is going to intercept you thought, whilst they go straight to the heart of God. Noone can hack your prayers to God.

Watch Jamie Jorge as he performs the beautiful hymn ‘Near to the Heart of God’. Click on the picture to listen.

October 26 - Preach the word

October 26

‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.’ Matthew 24:14

My definition of twitter is ‘an email, in 140 characters or less, which can be read by anyone with a computer the second after it is sent.’ You don’t even need a Twitter account to read it, just log onto www.twitter.com and search whatever phrase or words you want using the hashtag (#) prefix. You could also think of it as a group text where you are included, even if you don’t have a phone.

If you think that in these last days of earth’s history, according to bible prophesy things happen without a reason then this short reading may change your perspective. Those who, for whatever reason, hold a celebrity status have a team of people around them making sure that their exposure to media platforms is what they want to get out or put across. Adverts have a time window of up to 90seconds to get a message across and they have become more like mini films.

You might think that The Pope doesn’t need publicity, I would beg to differ. Headlines not only grab attention but spark conversation. One such headline caught my attention recently and cleverly pulled me in. Pope Francis says the Bible is a ‘highly dangerous book. It is not what you think, but it had the desired effect of grabbing my attention and then sharing it. This headline was deliberate and intentional to put the Pope once more into the spotlight and to push his agenda as the spiritual leader for the world. You can read it here. It also reminded me of one of the ways in which prophesy is going to be fulfilled. In Matthew 24:14 Jesus says,

‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.

As a child I held the belief that this was the work of missionaries who were sent to remote lands to share the gospel to people who had not heard of Jesus. Whilst this is and still can be the case, the hand of technology is reaching people we could never imagine.

I don’t need to join twitter but I can use my social platforms as a more effective witnessing tool. Instead of just forwarding funny stories, jokes, pictures etc let people know how much God loves them through your example.

Gold City sing 'Preach the word' Click on the picture to listen.

OCTOBER 23-24 - On the team

OCTOBER 23-24 On the team

Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others” - Philippians 2:4

Every sportsman knows that if their side is to succeed, every man or woman must be good team players. The same applies if we want to be real winners on the field of life, we must look out not only for our own interests, but also for the interests of others. To be a good team player we cannot afford to think only of ourselves. We have to use our talents to cooperate with our teammates for the common good – even if that means letting somebody else get the glory. If that's what it takes for the team to win, then that's what we do, and we do it gladly. It's significant that the first thing Jesus did when He began His ministry was to start building a team.

The great thing about being part of a team is that we are chosen. We are important because others are depending on us to play our position – we are needed. We are an accepted part of something bigger than ourselves. This is vital because there are times when the pressure is on. Somebody on the team drops the ball or misses a goal.

In situations like these the way we treat each other makes the difference between winning and losing, and makes or breaks team morale. God cares about our performance towards each other – the way we treat other – winning, or losing.  The 'dressingroom' pep talks Jesus gave to His team was this, “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.  By this everyone will know that you are my disciples (my team), if you love one another” - John 13:34-35.  The Apostle Paul also, echoing his Coaches words says,  "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others" Philippians 2:3.4.

Dave Dravecky, American baseball player, writes: 'Affirming the worth of your co-workers is as valuable as the work you accomplish.'

To make it in this world, we need to be part of a team. Who's on yours?

Music today is one from Bryn's selection - “I Can't Make it Lord Without You” - The Isaacs. Click on the quote to listen.

OCTOBER 22 - God of mountain and valley

OCTOBER 22 - God of Valley and Mountain

"The man of God came up and told the king of Israel, "This is what the Lord says: 'Because the Arameans think the Lord is a god of the hills and not a god of the valleys, I will deliver this vast army into your hands, and you will know that I am the Lord'." 1 Kings 20:28

Whenever we stand on the mountain, we are able to see clearly. It's the best vantage point to see what lies ahead. Wouldn't it be great if we could live on the mountain all the time so we could anticipate what lies ahead? God, at times allows us to experience the mountaintop as He did Joseph and Jacob. Joseph as a young man because he was doted on by his father, Jacob. He was given a colourful coat, a coat that gave him status, and he even had dreams about his future. As a young man, Joseph had a sense of destiny about his life. God often gives us too a snap-shot of our future so that we will have an anchor point when we are tested, and so learn to trust Him in the valley. This snap-shot though doesn't reveal how God intends to bring about His plans for our lives. However, fruit can't grow and be harvested on the mountain; it must grow in the valley. God is a God of the mountain, but he is even more a God of the valley.

In the valley life at times is more difficult. Clouds often dense and limits our ability to see ahead. This week we received news that two good friends of Netherfield church have been, like Joseph, thrust into a deep valley that could have left them wondering if God has forsaken them – one has had a stroke, the other has a complex illness that is deteriorating. Jesus hoped that He might be able to avoid the valley that caused Him to sweat blood, but there is a valley that each of us must enter, usually unwillingly, in order to experience the God of the valley and His faithfulness, no matter what lies ahead.

Once we have spent time in this valley, we come out with something we would have never gained if we had not entered it. The valley brings much fruit into our lives so that we might plant seeds into the lives of others. God doesn't waste valley experiences. If we are faithful in the valley, we will enter a new dimension with God that we never thought possible. There is a harvest of wisdom that can only be grown in the valley.

Has God brought you into the valley? Though it's a place of testing, remember it's also a place of fruitfulness. It is where God brings what you know in your head into your heart. The only value of knowledge is when it becomes part of your heart. Look for God in your valley today.

Acknowledgements Os Hillman.

The music choice for today is “God on the Mountain” sung by Lynda Randall. Click on the picture to listen.

October 20 - Reach out and touch

October 20

‘Then said Jesus to them again, Peace be unto you: as my Father hath sent me, even so send I you.’ John 20:21


This statement from Elder’s Digest July/ September 2015, resonated with me.

Like no generation before, our young people have access to limitless information. They live in a world where social media is redesigning the way people interact. They live in a world filled with innumerable ideas, belief systems, and ways of life.

This world certainly does not answer their deep soul questions, but all too often, their church does not offer relevant answers to their questions either.

Keeping in mind that this is an American study, these were the 7 reasons why young people leave churches,

1. They want to take a break from church.

2. They are turned off by judgmental attitudes and hypocrisy in the church.

3. They have moved to another community.

4. Their work responsibilities conflict with their church attendance.

5. They have a busy social life.

6. They are weary of church politics.

7. Their attendance was based only on the desire to please others

Now my church isn’t blessed with an abundance of young people but I think that the reasons could be just as easily levelled at any age group. Have you got folk in your church who have stopped coming? Do you know the reasons why? Could you be that reason?

Instead of thinking that retention is just the job of one of the ministries in the church, get involved. Reach out to someone the way that Jesus is constantly reaching out to you.

Heritage Singers Quartet sing ‘Reach out and touch’ from 1979. Click on the picture to listen.

October 19 - A picture paints...

October 19

'And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.' John 14:3

There is a saying that a picture paints a thousand words. From an early age I have been fascinated with heaven just wondering what it will look like. Maybe because of my Christian upbringing. Maybe because all the pictures I saw concerning heaven featured people who looked happen and as if they really wanted to be there.  Maybe because when I understood what Jesus did for me and the promise he made in John 14:1-3. My father instilled in me that there is only one thing that you can take to heaven, and that is your character. A character that is not fit for heaven is also one that would not enjoy being there.

The thing that I am looking forward to most in heaven, aside from playing in the heavenly orchestra, is to touch the nail scarred hands of Jesus. His hands will always be a reminder in the perfection of heaven of the price he paid for our sin, yours and mine, so that we might get the opportunity join him there. The photographer Tim Booth has done a photographic collection called ‘A show of hands’. When I saw it I couldn’t help but notice that the most important picture was missing. With that thought in mind, don’t let the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross be in vain.

Make it your desire and intention to fit your character to one which is right for heaven.

Heritage Singers give us our music today 'I can only imagine'. Click on the picture to listen.

OCTOBER 16-17 - God Leads

OCTOBER 16-17 – God Leads

He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake.” (Psalm 23:3b NIV)

Many times in our lives we are faced with making a decision about a major issue: “Should I hold on, or should I let go?” “Should I get in, or should I get out?” “Should I get married?” “Should I find a new job?” “Should I move?” Often we’re afraid of making the wrong decision, and that creates stress.

When we can’t make up our minds, we stagger through life. The Bible says that when we remain double-minded, we become unstable in everything we do (James 1). The Greek word for unstable literally means “stagger like a drunk.”

But God gives us an antidote to our indecision. Psalm 23:3 tells us, “He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake” (NIV). We handle the stress of decision-making by letting God guide us.

You may be thinking, “But I’ve tried that!” You had asked God to guide you, but then you became more confused than before. You still couldn’t figure it out. Now, with hindsight, you wonder, “Why is knowing God’s will so difficult?”

Does God play games with us? Of course not! God wants to guide us. He wants us to know his will more than we want to know it. Our problem is we often look for the wrong thing when we’re trying to find God’s will.

Problem is, we depend on our feelings. We want to be swept off our feet by some deep emotion so we can say, “That’s how I know what God’s will is!” Some of us want a methodical approach to God’s will. We want somebody to give us a recipe we can follow, or a formula we can apply. Some of us take a miracle approach to God’s will. We look for God to give us some fantastic sign—write it in the sky, call us on the phone, send us a telegram.

All of these ways lead to frustration and cause us to miss God’s will. His will is not a feeling or a formula or something he wants us to be frustrated or fearful about.

God does not want us confused, and he does not want us stressed over making any decision. He is there, guiding us every step of the way.

Although the Lord has given you bread of privation and water of oppression, He, your Teacher will no longer hide Himself, but your eyes will behold your Teacher. 21Your ears will hear a word behind you, "This is the way, walk in it," whenever you turn to the right or to the left...” Isaiah 30:20-21

God Leads us Along” - Bill and Gloria Gaither present our music for today. Click on the picture to listen.

OCTOBER 15 - Who's there!

OCTOBER 15 – Who's there!

The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore” - Psalm 121:7-8 (NIV)

Julia's husband was working away from home and Julia was alone in the house. Roused from her sleep around 2pm by a noise coming from downstairs in her home. Drowsily she turned over with the thought that her husband had returned home early. Then, hearing a loud thump, she realised there were intruders in the house.

Trembling with fear she got up to investigate. Opening the bedroom door she came face to face with a man carrying a large hammer. Behind him on the stairs was two other men. For what seemed an eternity they stared at each other, then he raised the hammer above his head to strike her. Julia was paralysed, rooted to the spot. She wanted to scream but was unable to make a sound. She recalls, “all I could think was that tonight I am going to die.” Time stood still as she saw the intruder trying to move his arms and strike her with the hammer. But the more he tried the more he was unable to lower his arms, something was holding them back.

It was then Julia noticed the look of fear and panic that came over the intruder's face. His eyes were transfixed on something behind Julia's left shoulder. Behind him the two men had expressions of sheer terror. Making a move towards Julia they screamed, dropped the hammer and turned and fled down the stairs shouting “let's get out of here!”

Julia sprang to life and chased after them shouting for help - out through the patio doors where they had made entry. As the men ran away, neighbours called the police. Returning to the house, Julia noticed at the bottom of the stairs, the biggest knife she had ever seen, dropped by one of the men as he ran away.  Because she had seen their faces Julia was able to give an accurate description and the men were quickly arrested. The police told Julia that had they not paniced, because she had seen their faces, they would have definitely killed her.

What was it they saw that froze them to the spot and petrified them? Julia has a firm belief in God, and is a local gospel singer. She is convinced that it was her guardian angel behind her, protecting her from harm.

How many times in our lives have we been protected and saved by our guardian angels – we would be amazed if only we knew.

Music today is “Angels Watching Over Me” (LIVE). Click on the picture to listen.

October 13 - Keep praying for our schools

October 13

'Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.' Matthew 24:44

I was surprised when I was asked to pray for a meal at school by the head teacher. Actually I was honoured as religious freedom in UK schools is being severely challenged in this climate of opinion of principle. So I was surprised to come across this article online.

In Oklahoma and Alabama, effort is being taken to keep prayer a part of public school sporting events.

CBN News reports that Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt, who advocated to keep a Ten Commandments monument on the grounds of the Oklahoma State Capitol, is arguing that it is not constitutional for the school board that governs sporting activities to ban student prayer.

“You just can’t uniformly, arbitrarily say, ‘We are going to allow all speech except religious speech,’ and that is why it is overboard,” Pruitt stated.

Because the state allows open announcements in a public forum, Pruitt argued, it cannot constitutionally ban religious speech. 

A battle over prayer at public school sporting events is also being waged in Arkansas

The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) warned the Ashdown, Arkansas school district and district superintendent Jason Sanders that allowing prayer at public school sporting events is unconstitutional, and specifically accused the school’s band director of praying at a school football game. 

Sanders disagrees. “We feel like that the freedom of our students to express themselves will hold up in a court of law,” he said. “We’re not going to stop any student who wants to exercise their freedom of religious expression such as a prayer.” Source

We really need to pray for our children who are still at school and under the influence of unbelievers. We also need to recognise that we are living in the closing days of earth’s history and we need to be alert to these signs of Christ’s 2nd coming.


William Murphy sings 'Praying for you' as today's music. Listen to the lyrics. Click on the picture.

October 12 - How to confront

October 12

Moreover if thy brother shall trespass against thee, go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone: if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. Matthew 18:15

I was asked this question recently, how do you confront someone without getting angry? Tough one that. I answered it the best I could but I came across this reading which I have since passed on to him. I hope you find it useful.

Jesus said, ‘…if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. If he hears you, you have gained your brother.’ Confronting someone requires these three things: character, courage and caution. Let’s look at each: 1) Character. Since Jesus was secure in His identity and character as God’s Son, He was able to let go of the need to please and be accepted by those around Him. Being grounded in who you are in Christ and in what your heavenly Father created you to be, allows you the freedom to confront people when necessary without worrying about the fall-out or the negative consequences. 2) Courage. The Pharisees had the power to undermine Christ’s reputation, which eventually led to His death on the cross. But He told them the truth nonetheless. And you must do the same. You must be willing to take up your cross and follow Him, even when it means risking an argument and handling hurt feelings. To ‘confront’ means to get in ‘front’ of someone, look into their face, and deal with the issue honestly and lovingly because you value the relationship. 3) Caution. Make sure you’re following God’s timing and not your own. It’s easy to use false courage or bravado to challenge others in order to get your own way. It’s easy to claim a confrontation is necessary, when what you actually want is control. No, you must ask God to show you when, how and where to confront others. Your goal should always be to reconcile and restore the relationship. So ‘go and tell him [or her]’.

Courtesy of Word for today

Our song today is by Babie Mason 'I will be the one'. Click on the picture to listen.