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October 19 - A picture paints...

October 19

'And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.' John 14:3

There is a saying that a picture paints a thousand words. From an early age I have been fascinated with heaven just wondering what it will look like. Maybe because of my Christian upbringing. Maybe because all the pictures I saw concerning heaven featured people who looked happen and as if they really wanted to be there.  Maybe because when I understood what Jesus did for me and the promise he made in John 14:1-3. My father instilled in me that there is only one thing that you can take to heaven, and that is your character. A character that is not fit for heaven is also one that would not enjoy being there.

The thing that I am looking forward to most in heaven, aside from playing in the heavenly orchestra, is to touch the nail scarred hands of Jesus. His hands will always be a reminder in the perfection of heaven of the price he paid for our sin, yours and mine, so that we might get the opportunity join him there. The photographer Tim Booth has done a photographic collection called ‘A show of hands’. When I saw it I couldn’t help but notice that the most important picture was missing. With that thought in mind, don’t let the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross be in vain.

Make it your desire and intention to fit your character to one which is right for heaven.

Heritage Singers give us our music today 'I can only imagine'. Click on the picture to listen.



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