OCTOBER 1 – we have a choice
“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; For whatever a man sows, this he will also reap” - Galatians 6:7. “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” - 2 Cor. 10:3.
Our minds are a wonderful miracle of God's creation, but oh, how we allow them to be used, abused, and tarnished. Perhaps for you it's a problem with daydreaming. Keeping track of another's wrongs. Stewing over worries. Whatever, God expects us to take responsibility for the ponderings that we allow to creep into our brains. We are accountable. Thank God His Word and His Holy Spirit are alive and powerful – there for us to call upon whenever we have a temptation dangling there in front of us – whenever our minds are tantalised. His Word clears our minds for the choice we have to make.
Charles Swindoll writes of a day he says he will always remember,,,,the day he had a choice to make, and make quickly. He writes:
“I had been out of the country for more than a week. After a long day, I was in the reception area of my hotel hungry, lonely, and feeling sorry for myself as I really missed Cynthia and the chikdren. I made my way to the lift, the doors opened, and two attractive women followed me in. I punched the button for the sixth floor, but the ladies didn't press theirs. “What floor?” I asked. One of the women looked at me, smiled rather sensually and said “How about six?” The lift door closed.
Now, I'll be honest. We were alone in that lift. In another country. These women were available. I was lonely, and to be frank I was momentarily flattered. After all, nobody ever mistakes me for Brad Pitt. In that moment between the first and sixth floor, I had an all-important decision to make.
You know what flashed through my mind? My wife and family? No, not at first. My reputation? Nope. Not right away. The possibility of being set up? Not really. God brought something else to mind: “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked. For whatever a man sows, this he will also reap” - Galations 6:7
After remembering that verse, at that moment, my thoughts turned to what I would “reap”....the destruction of my marriage to Cynthia, the devastation of my children, my future grandchildren not wanting me to officiate at their wedding for lack of respect, and the total loss of my ministry. It was then easy to look at the women and say rather calmly, “My evening is already full. I'm really not at all interested.” They looked at me like I'd just fallen off the turnip truck.
The doors opened on my floor, and I got out – alone. During that lift ride, the powerful, life-changing Word of God had rescued me.”
Let us allow the Holy Spirit to set up watch, keep guard, and prevent harmful thoughts and temptations roost in our heads. We don't have to fight with the weapons of this world. Remember, Satan's strongholds are nothing but human dungeons – and it's time to break out of prison.
“Ask the Holy Spirit to stand guard over your mind and to help you banish harmful, unhelpful and unholy thoughts from creeping in. Ask the Holy Spirit to give you a spirit of power and love and self-discipline so that your thoughts will be pleasing to God” - 2 Timothy 1:7
Another choice of Bryn's for our music today - Kenny Vaughan - “Don't Leave Home Without Jesus.” Click on the picture to listen.