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SEPTEMBER 25-26 - What is happiness?

SEPTEMBER 25-26 – What is happiness?

Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and their extreme poverty welled up in rich generosity” - 2 Corinthians 8:2

Early in the week Ken Dodd, the family entertainer, was being inteviewed on local radio about the secret of his long career, and apparent state of perpetual, bubbling happiness. Think of Ken Dodd, and his recording of the song “Happiness” immediately comes to mind. People who have attended his stage shows come away with the weight of their worries and cares lifted from their shoulders. For a few brief hours (Ken's shows go on for a LONG while!) they were happy. If only that applied to everyone and life in general. But let's face it, some people are never going to allow themselves to be happy/

Maybe it's a family trait – in their genes – of perhaps they are in a dead-end marriage – single, lonely, feeling the odd one out. Or at loggerheads with their supervisor at work. Women (men too) despair of never losing their spare tyre....that extra 25 pounds, or the monotony of the daily grind at times, feels more than they can bear – a never-ending drudgery of the same old routine.

Are you this way? Do you feel as though true happiness has somehow passed you by? The fact is, life is hard-for - some more than others. If happiness relates only to an evening of entertainment by the likes of Ken Dodd and his 'tickling stick,' or our “present circumstances, it may always dance ahead of us like the proverbial carrot on a stick to a donkey. - just out of reach. The answer is not to get rid of unhappiness but to find a new definition for it.

Someone once suggested that true happiness is found in duty and honour, sacrifice and faihfulness, commitment and service. Circumstantial happiness may seem fleeting and elusive, but perseverance and hope grow out of faithfulness; and committed service to our Lord and others will bring an overflow of joy and happiness

Regardless of what a person’s situation may be, our Creator God wants to be present with us and empower us through His Spirit. Our countenance—the expression on our face—will change from sad to joyful as a result of His divine help and presence.

Our song today is “Blessings” sung by Laura Story. Click on the picture to hear.



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