Daily Reading
Return to BlogOctober 26 - Preach the word
‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.’ Matthew 24:14
My definition of twitter is ‘an email, in 140 characters or less, which can be read by anyone with a computer the second after it is sent.’ You don’t even need a Twitter account to read it, just log onto www.twitter.com and search whatever phrase or words you want using the hashtag (#) prefix. You could also think of it as a group text where you are included, even if you don’t have a phone.
If you think that in these last days of earth’s history, according to bible prophesy things happen without a reason then this short reading may change your perspective. Those who, for whatever reason, hold a celebrity status have a team of people around them making sure that their exposure to media platforms is what they want to get out or put across. Adverts have a time window of up to 90seconds to get a message across and they have become more like mini films.
You might think that The Pope doesn’t need publicity, I would beg to differ. Headlines not only grab attention but spark conversation. One such headline caught my attention recently and cleverly pulled me in. Pope Francis says the Bible is a ‘highly dangerous book. It is not what you think, but it had the desired effect of grabbing my attention and then sharing it. This headline was deliberate and intentional to put the Pope once more into the spotlight and to push his agenda as the spiritual leader for the world. You can read it here. It also reminded me of one of the ways in which prophesy is going to be fulfilled. In Matthew 24:14 Jesus says,
‘And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.’
As a child I held the belief that this was the work of missionaries who were sent to remote lands to share the gospel to people who had not heard of Jesus. Whilst this is and still can be the case, the hand of technology is reaching people we could never imagine.
I don’t need to join twitter but I can use my social platforms as a more effective witnessing tool. Instead of just forwarding funny stories, jokes, pictures etc let people know how much God loves them through your example.
Gold City sing 'Preach the word' Click on the picture to listen.
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