Daily Reading

September 1 - Come rest

If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 (CEV)

Where do you go for peace if you don’t have God in your life, if you’re not connected on a moment-by-moment basis? Jesus Christ has an incredible offer for you. He says, “If you are tired from carrying heavy burdens, come to me and I will give you restMatthew 11:28 CEV).

I like that verse because it says the exact opposite of what most people think God will say to them. They think that if God wants them to come home, he’s going to say,
Come home to me, and I will give you rules. Come home to me, and I will give you regulations. Come home to me, and I will give you restrictions. Come home to me, and I will give you religion. Come home to me, and I will give you rituals.” But God doesn’t say any of those things. He says, “Come home to me, and I will give you rest.”

The reason why you’re so tired all the time and why you get stressed out is because you’re trying to live your life on your own power. God never meant for you to do that.

The Bible says, “He gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless” (Isaiah 40:29 NLT).

If you’ve been feeling a little down, a little anxious, a little fatigued, and a little worried, come home to God. He’s the one who made you, who created you, who’s watched every moment of your life, who knows everything about you and still loves you, who forgives you and says, “Come home to my peace and strength.” When you do that, you’ll have real peace of mind. 

What have you been worrying about that you need to surrender to God?

Rick Warren

Music choice is "Come Unto Me and I Will Give You Rest".  Click on the picture to listen.


August 31 - On time God

"The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work" - 2 Corinthians 9:6-8 ESV

The church appears to have a problem. I’m not talking about Netherfield or Newcastle, South Shields or Southampton, but the whole church thing has a problem. The product we have is what everyone needs but few people appear to want the product. Worse still, the church appears to have little confidence in the product.

Perhaps the problem lies with us.

Three things happened to me recently. The first thing that happened was that members told me that everyone is late for church. There is nothing new with that – but when everyone is late then you need to do something about the situation. In the process of changing things I visited people who told me, “Pastor, we need to pray”.

It wasn’t too long after that when I read 1 Corinthians 2 and 3 and learned that the church may be full of Christians who may not be spiritual. The spirituality is what makes us functional.

The third incident was that our Head Deacon and Head Deaconess decided that we would have a church emphasis on prayer. It is much better when the church has a lazy Pastor like me. The result is that members start doing things. Perhaps that is why I’m a lazy Pastor?

The fourth incident was that I read a book called, ‘The Big Four’ by S. Joseph Kidder. I will not tell you that I read on pages 82-93. I’m too lazy for that. The clue I will give you is that the section involves a chair, a slightly judgemental wife and an 80 year old lady.

All of that is a long way round of getting to encourage you to read the book.

Our time together has been to look at Christian Stewardship – and you thought I was only interested in helping you to get rid of your debts. The basic idea behind Christian Stewardship is that you can only really look after everything God gives you when God has changed you from the inside out – and that takes serious prayer.

Read the book! You may grow. Your church may grow. Better still, you’ll have an idea to take to your lazy Pastor and say, “I read a really good book the other day …”

We may be late, but as our music today tells us, "He's an on time God."  Click on the picture to listen.

August 30 - Create in me

August 30

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

When David wrote this in the Psalms I doubt very much that he envisioned a day when a man could live without a God made heart. Indeed, not being the most medical person myself, I would not have imagined that technology could take us to such a place.

In 2015 Craig Lewis, a 55-year-old suffering from a life threatening heart problem was admitted to the Texas Heart Institute with a condition called “amyloidosis.” It’s a rare autoimmune disease that fills internal organs with a viscous protein that causes rapid heart, kidney and liver failure. Two surgeons pioneered the first human heart that works as a system of pumps and implanted it, giving him another 5 weeks of life. He died due to underlying disease – but doctors said the heart worked perfectly. The device is formed by intricately tying together two ventricular assist devices, replacing the entire heart.

This reminds me of Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:1-6 who pleaded with the Lord to add more years to his life. He was granted 15 more years and was faithful to God in that time.

What would you do if you had a granted stay of execution? If fact, every day that we live is another day to get our earthly affairs right with God. Don’t let another day go by without reaffirming your life with God.

Kirk Franklin sings ‘My life is in your hands’. Click on the picture to listen.

August 29 - More than ever

August 29

So Jesus said to him, “Unless you see signs and wonders you will not believe.” John 4:48

Do you believe in God and miracles? I recently read an article which states that fewer Americans believe in God and miracles. I hovered over those headlines and reflected on why this might be.

It struck me that being a Christian gives you a totally different perspective on current issues. The way I see current events for example, the tensions between black people and the police in American, the ‘Brexit’ vote, the rise of ‘ISIS’, the mindless killings all over Europe by radical groups, the state of the church, and that includes all church and not just the SDA. All of these events point me to the bible and a loving saviour as the source to solve these issues, NOT politicians or world leaders.

So, do I still believe in God and miracles? Yes, more than ever.

Take 6 sing ‘More than ever’. Click on the picture to listen.

August 26-27 - It takes a miracle

August 26-27 – It takes a miracle

But that you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins”—he then said to the paralytic—“Rise, pick up your bed and go home.” And he rose and went home. When the crowds saw it, they were afraid, and they glorified God, who had given such authority to men Matthew 9:6-8 - ESV

All the books in the world couldn't record the miracles that Jesus Christ did during His time on earth (John 21:25), and before returning to heaven He passed this authority on to His followers - “For the Son of Man is as a man taking a far journey, who left his house, and gave authority to his servants, and to every man his work, and commanded the porter to watch.” He gave AUTHORITY to his servants and to every man his work....” - Mark 13:34

There are many sceptics in our world today who believe there are no such things as miracles, but come with me through just two evidences of healing, against all odds, broadcast on the media this week – the result of the God given incredible skills, expertise, knowledge and devotion of medical teams, who, regardless of creed or culture, are.dedicated to bringing healing to their fellow man,

Face transplant - Patrick Hardison, was a volunteer fireman who, as the result of being trapped in a collapsed burnt out building in Senatobia, Mississippi in 2001. His face was severely disfigured. Patrick suffered extensive facial burns after responding to a house fire in 2001, and he lost his eyelids, ears, lips, hair and most of his nose.

Married, with 4 children, Following the accident people openly stared,, and children ran away from him, scared by his face.  Patrick became a recluse, no longer playing with his children.  The situation looked hopeless, and continued until, in 2015 Patrick underwent the world's most extensive face transplant, and this week, has been speaking about his new found hope, one year on since his pioneering plastic surgery - http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-37180501

Seventy-one reconstructive surgeries after a building collapsed on him in Senatobia, Mississippi, in 2001, Patrick, 42-years-old, can now see, hear, eat and breathe normally and has a full head of hair. His comment? “I have my life back.” http://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/real-life/good-news/fireman-speaks-of-his-joy-a-year-on-from-having-the-worlds-most-extensive-face-transplant/news-story/ef502df6ca8006bcb1c64dbba863b796

Double hand transplant - Zion Harvey sometimes puts on a baseball glove or swings a bat -- just like many 9-year-olds. http://nypost.com/video/this-boy-received-a-miracle-double-hand-transplant/

Watching the video it's hard to believe that a little more than a year ago, Zion had no hands because at the age of 2 years, the Baltimore youngster had lost both hands and feet to a bacterial infection. For 2 years he required dialysis, and a kidney transplant from his mom Pattie Ray. At 8 years of age Zion became the first child to receive a double hand transplant in the US – and he faced it all with a HUGE grin across his face..

In his nation wide interview last Tuesday, a year after his operations, he's doing well and says he's ready to play competitive sports. He said: "Nothing really changed because everybody I know is still the same. All I can do now is grip for baseball. I can grip onto a bat better. I can wear a baseball glove now." Just 13 months after his surgery, Zion can write, make his own lunch and dress himself. And his hands are growing with him, CNN affiliate WMAR reported.

Mom Pattie's comments? "The sky's the limit. He's just beginning," she told WBAL. "Look what he has now, a year out, so imagine five years from now. I can see anything for this kid. He's amazing."

Zion's comments? "I can bend them. I can eat," Zion told CNN affiliate KYW. "I think it's amazing. I don't know what they (the doctors) think, but I think it's amazing."  http://www.foxnews.com/health/2016/08/24/boy-with-double-hand-transplants-next-goal-play-football.html

The doctors? “Zion was a champion through the process. It started with the boy learning wiggling his new thumb. It required intense concentration....his brain had to be re-taught how to "fire those muscles again.....He and his family have managed this so well, beyond our expectations,"

Zion, never one not to face down a challenge has a BIGEE ahead - to persuade his mother to let him play football! I think his operation was more of a cert than that one!!

God showered these doctors and medical teams with skills, knowledge and abilities, and the technology required to achieve restored lives. The faith and trust they, and their patients, Patrick and Zion, exercised could only be God-given, and shines like a beacon from both man and boy.

How can it be said there's no such thing as a miracle. 

And Jesus said to him, “Go your way; your faith has made you well.” And immediately he regained his sight and began following Him on the road” - Mark 10:52 NAS

Bryn's choice of music today - “Help is on the Way” - Doyle Lawson and Quicksilver. Click on the picture to listen

August 25 - Amazing!

August 26-27

"I will give you the treasures of darkness And hidden wealth of secret places, So that you may know that it is I, The LORD, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name” - Isaiah 45:3 NASB

Year by year scientist's around the world discover hidden secrets of the earth and universe. The same day that our regional TV news programme announced news of Pogba's 89 million pound 'purchase' by Manchester United football club here in the UK, the same news station told us that an expedition has revealed life is thriving on the UK's tallest underwater mountains.

Lying just off the west coast of Scotland, scientists used robotic submersibles to dive more than 2,000m beneath the waves to explore four sea mounts. Video pictures of the largest of these was an almost look-a-like of Ayres Rock in Australia. The footage revealed vast coral reefs, and an array of crustaceans and fish living in the cold, dark waters. Imagine the excitement as, using robots, the team was able to collect thousands of samples, many species believed to be new to science.

Dr Kerry Howell, a deep sea biologist at Plymouth University, told BBC News: that the reefs were among the best she had ever seen. "These reefs are enormous and in really great condition - [they are] so beautiful, so important - so many animals, so much life." http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-36806038

Of the four underwater mountains explored, the biggest - the Anton Dohrn - stands at 1,700m tall. It would dwarf Ben Nevis, which has a peak of 1,344m - yet Anton Dohrn is totally submerged.

“You see the sea floor coming out of the gloom, and you don't know what you are going to find," said Dr Michelle Taylor, a deep sea biologist from the University of Oxford.

"This is the first time that anybody has seen this sea mount, has seen the animals that live on this sea mount, how they live, what they live on, who lives with them - and that's really exciting."

The team found brightly coloured cold-water coral reefs that stretched for many kilometres. Some of the species were several metres high, while others were thought to be thousands of years old.

They discovered huge sponge gardens crammed with tiny animals, crustaceans, including deep-sea crabs and shrimps, basket stars, sea anemones, and many fish species, including lepidions and chimaeras, which are related to sharks. they expect there could be many species new to science.

I was just getting my mind round all of this when, hot on the heels of this report came another this week updating findings first released in January 7, 2015.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world”- Psalm 19:1-4.

National Geographic reported that SEATTLE—NASA's venerable planet-hunter, the Kepler spacecraft, has discovered eight new worlds beyond our solar system, (announced in 2015), boosting the number of Kepler's confirmed planets to 1,004 (if you're keeping count), including two of the most Earthlike planets discovered so far.

Those eight new worlds are each less than 2.7 times the size of Earth, astronomers reported at the American Astronomical Society's annual winter meeting. But hiding in the wings, among a group of 554 newly announced planet candidates, is an even more tantalizing set of planets.

"These candidates represent the closest analogues to the Earth-sun system found to date, and this is what Kepler has been looking for. We are now closer than we have ever been to finding a twin for Earth around a star," says Fergal Mullally of the SETI Institute and NASA's Ames Research Center.

Today the media gave out news of another 'earth like planet' larger than the earth, with it's own suns. a team led by astronomers from NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, and San Diego State University (SDSU) in California, used NASA's Kepler Space Telescope to identify the new planet, Kepler-1647b. Like the earth the planet rotates around it's suns but takes 1,107 days – just over three years – to orbit its host stars, "For much of the planet’s year the stars appear close together, giving it a familiar night-side and day-side with a unique triple-sunset and sunrise each day. As the planet orbits and the stars grow farther apart each day, they reach a point where the setting of one coincides with the rising of the other – at which point the planet is in near-constant daytime for about one-quarter of its orbit, or roughly 140 Earth-years." Scientists believe this planet could sustain life. (Nature magazine)

So much of our day to day lives are filled with the practicalities of family, work etc that we scarcely give a thought to the incredible wonders of the universe we live in – the planet we live on, and the fact that "In the beginning, Lord, You laid the foundations of the earth, and the heavens are the work of Your hands” - Hebrews 1:10.

Let us adjust our perspective and rejoice that almost every day new planets are discovered - archaeological finds made, and deep sea expeditions prove the existence of a wonderful Creator, who, as the expanding universe attests, continues to create new and greater wonders as it prepares for the coming of Christ.

What more can I say apart from“The Wonder of it all” (LIVE) Click on the picture to listen.

August 24 - Give thanks

Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!" 9He said, "Go, and tell this people: 'Keep on listening, but do not perceive; Keep on looking, but do not understand.'…NASB

John Maynard Keynes was an economist whose thinking has influenced the lives of many an economist, financier and politician over many years. Peter Michael Jeynes is no economist and is unlikely to ever have world significance. He has, however, got a chance today to influence a few people’s thoughts for a few minutes.

A few years back I lived in Stockton-on-Tees. I had nearly paid off the mortgage on my house. Life was looking good. My employers, the North England Conference, asked me to locate to a new church district. Such things had happened before. I was used to such a request. I never say, “no” when asked to move because I reason that when good men (and women) who are true to God gather together, pray and make decisions the Holy Spirit guides their requests.

I couldn’t sell my house! Only a year before I had been offered over the market value for my home. Now I was having to accept peanuts; mouldy peanuts. When I finally sold the house I had to accept that I had lost £60,000.

Here is where the economist and realist steps into the spotlight. I had not lost £60,000. Look at all the value I had lost! I may have lost a 5 figure sum of some-thing, but it is untrue to say that I had lost ‘value’. I still had the ability to put a roof over my head. My new wife would not have to sleep under the stars. I still had the means to pay a mortgage. All I actually did was lose a number of noughts. We can all lose noughts. It is fine to lose noughts. All it takes is a little economic common sense.

My thinking goes like this. A collapse of world economies is a relative thing when I choose to consider that God still looks after me. A vote to leave the EU is of less significance than God’s love and continued care for me.

All I had to do, after a momentary panic, was to re-align my thinking. I did not have to believe that I was now £60,000 poorer. The noughts didn’t matter. What did matter was that I had done God’s will. I had moved as He requested to a new district to do God’s will. I knew God would take care of me.

Not only did I return to straight thinking, I could also thank God. That is to say, for the purposes of today I was able to thank God – after a time. You see what finally happened was that we eventually moved into the best house I have ever lived in. Four bedrooms, an office, a good garage and living in a village in the country is a blessing. Our village was possibly one of the most crime free areas in the world. We didn’t have one police force, we had two police forces. We were surrounded by servicemen and women from two armed forces. We could genuinely leave our doors unlocked at night. We could look out at the stars at night and see stars, not light pollution.

The second lesson, after making sure that we set out to think normally, is to realise that the long term view is what matters. As a SmartSteward the simple monetary decisions we make today need to be measured by the long term benefits. Those benefits are not to be measured by money in the bank.

All we have in the bank is a string of noughts. What we create as SmartStewards over time is … value. Part of that value is expressed in right thinking and an opportunity to give thanks to God for the way He cares for us day by day and time after time.

Please keep making your decisions as SmartStewards to be SmartStewards. Note the value - not the number of noughts.

If you want to find out more about SmartStewards click the link below


Music today is based on a lovely old gospel song - “Where He Leads Me I Will Follow (I Can Hear My Saviour Calling”. Click on the picture to listen.

August 23 - Change

August 23

“This is how it will be for anyone who saves things only for himself. To God that person is not rich.” Luke 12:21

When the currency of a country goes bust, the word change has a whole new meaning. A friend of mine told me that when she went to visit her country of origin at a time of economic crisis, a loaf of bread required a wad of notes, literally a fist full of dollars.

What once was worth a lot is now worth little. People that invested a lifetime saving for their dreams are now left bankrupt, both financially and emotionally.

When we come to Jesus we often feel like currency that has lost its value. But instead of making us feel worthless he accepts us just as we are. Don’t spend your life trying to make this world your permanent dwelling place, like the man spoken about in the parable found in Luke 12. Instead make a daily investment in things of God, things that will not lose their value and diminish.

Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth. Colossians 3:2

Have a blessed day.

Crystal Lewis sings ‘Come just as you are’. Click here to listen.

August 22 - Hidden by design

August 22

 ‘In the shadow of His hand He has hidden Me.’ Isaiah 49:2 NKJV

When you’re called to serve God in a particular capacity, it’s not unusual to go through a period of anonymity where you feel invisible. Isaiah was called of God ‘from the womb’ (v. 1 NKJV). But he experienced a season of being hidden ‘in the shadow’ while God perfected his ministry.

When a vision takes a long time to come to fruition, and you’ve sacrificed and worked without recognition or seeing results, it’s easy to feel like you’re wasting your life. Isaiah was human too. He got discouraged and said, ‘I have laboured to no purpose … spent my strength … for nothing’ (v. 4 NIVUK 1984 Edition). But just because you feel that way doesn’t mean it’s true. ‘God … rewards those who earnestly seek him’ (Hebrews 11:6 NIV 2011 Edition), and you’re no exception.

It took thirty years before Jesus started His public ministry. Moses, David, John the Baptist, and Paul endured years of obscurity before they were brought to the forefront. In God’s Kingdom there are no overnight sensations or flash-in-the-pan successes. Christian author Beth Jones says: ‘Anyone who wants to be used of God will experience hidden years in the backside of the desert. During that time the Lord is polishing, sharpening and preparing us to fit into His bow, so at the right time, like “a polished shaft” He can launch us into fruitful service. The invisible years are years of serving, studying, being faithful in another person’s ministry and doing the behind-the-scenes work.’ The Bible says, ‘God is not unjust; he will not forget your work’ (Hebrews 6:10 NIV 2011 Edition).

Be patient; when the time is right He will bring forth the fruit He placed inside you.

Courtesy of UCB

Vicki Yohe sings ‘Because of who you are’. Click on the picture to enjoy. 

August 19-20 - Priorities?

August 19-20

Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you?” - Matthew 25:34-40 ESV

Last week I was watching our regional news broadcast on TV and was left in open mouthed amazement when it was announced that, after weeks of speculation and negotiation between two giants of club football, the French midfielder Paul Pogba has returned after four years from Juventus to Manchester United, and completed his move by smashing a Guinness World Records title in the process.

Pogba now holds the title for the 'Most expensive football player single transfer' for the reported fee of £89 million (€105 million; $116 million) surpassing the previous record held by Welshman Gareth Bale, who moved from Tottenham to Real Madrid for a reported £85.30 million (€99.95 million; $132.16 million) on 1 September 2013. Pogba's personal 'take home' salary will be around £290.000 a week on a five year contract.

This is the 3rd time that a Frenchman has held this record, Jean Pierre-Papin was the first ever £10 million player in 1992 and his compatriot Zinedine Zidane left Juventus, like Pogba, in a £46 million move to Real Madrid in 2001. All a far cry from 1893 when Scotsman Willie Groves became the first 100 pound player when moving from West Bromwich Albion to Aston Villa.

Compare this amount of money paid as salary, to one person, with the plight of more than 1.2 billion people across the globe, who daily, have a budget of $1.25 for food, medicine and shelter. The World Bank defines this stark reality as the "extreme poverty" rate. On top off this, there are millions more who are just about surviving 'on the bread line.'

The top five poorest countries in the world are India (with 33% of the world's poor), China (13%), Nigeria (7%), Bangladesh (6%) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (5%). Add Indonesia, Pakistan, Tanzania, Ethiopia and Kenya — and you are looking at almost 80% of the world's extreme poor. About 22,000 children die each day due to conditions of poverty. - lack of basic medical care....education....sanitation....water....food - one child every twenty seconds dies from hunger.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Er1kTF3smOE

It's easy to sit back and feel smug faced with this data - “How terrible, WE wouldn't stand for that!” but what about home – the UK? “The UK is the world's sixth largest economy, yet it's a fact that 1 in 5 of the UK population live below our official poverty line, meaning that they experience life as a daily struggle,” meaning homelessness, and dependency on Food Banks.  Oxfam GB “believe it is unacceptable that over 13 million people in the UK do not have enough to live on, and most do not have the power to speak out about what this feels like and why it is wrong.” What a terrible indictment on our world in 2016!

The Lord made us managers of His vineyard....didn't He tell Peter to “feed my sheep....feed my lambs?” (John 21:17). How can we feed them the Word when all around them they, and their loved ones, are dying from lack of even the basics of life? 

Pogba's salary is just one example of the explosion in extreme wealth and income that is widening inequality and hindering the world’s ability to tackle poverty. The Borgen Project (americaan) estimates that it would take $30 billion dollars a year to eliminate world poverty – a drop in the ocean when compared to the individual incomes of the world's top five billionaires.

What will we say, what excuse will we come up with when the Lord reminds us that He said

"You shall generously give to him, and your heart shall not be grieved when you give to him, because for this thing the LORD your God will bless you in all your work and in all your undertakings. "For the poor will never cease to be in the land; therefore I command you, saying, 'You shall freely open your hand to your brother, to your needy and poor in your land.'…Deuteronomy 15:10-11 N.A.S.B

Our music is – "Let it Start in Me" – LIVE Click on the picture to listen.
