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August 30 - Create in me

August 30

Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

When David wrote this in the Psalms I doubt very much that he envisioned a day when a man could live without a God made heart. Indeed, not being the most medical person myself, I would not have imagined that technology could take us to such a place.

In 2015 Craig Lewis, a 55-year-old suffering from a life threatening heart problem was admitted to the Texas Heart Institute with a condition called “amyloidosis.” It’s a rare autoimmune disease that fills internal organs with a viscous protein that causes rapid heart, kidney and liver failure. Two surgeons pioneered the first human heart that works as a system of pumps and implanted it, giving him another 5 weeks of life. He died due to underlying disease – but doctors said the heart worked perfectly. The device is formed by intricately tying together two ventricular assist devices, replacing the entire heart.

This reminds me of Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20:1-6 who pleaded with the Lord to add more years to his life. He was granted 15 more years and was faithful to God in that time.

What would you do if you had a granted stay of execution? If fact, every day that we live is another day to get our earthly affairs right with God. Don’t let another day go by without reaffirming your life with God.

Kirk Franklin sings ‘My life is in your hands’. Click on the picture to listen.



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