Daily Reading

December 16-17 - Go on, enjoy!

December 16-17 – Go on, enjoy!

"A cheerful heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit makes one sick" Proverbs 17:22

Have you noticed how, nowadays, people rush around from A-B with head down, frowns on their faces, eyes glued to their Smart-phones, avoiding eye contact with passers by at all costs?. Christmas and othe Bank Holidays just seem to exacerbate whatever the cause may be. On the other hand, can you remember the days when shoppers and commuters smiled at each other, said “good morning”, and still got to work on time! They even found time for a chat, and shared a bit of a crack (laugh and joke)?

Perhaps it's time to suggest that we all schedule a side splitting, fall down and roll around on the floor laughing spree! Some of us need it badly – in fact, all of us need it. God built in a laugh capacity to each person to release stress among other reasons. Smiling and laughing are good for the body and good for the soul.

We only have to think of Jesus' life on earth – His choice of disciples - His day to day life and the people He associated with – His humour in the illustrations He used to impress the importance of His work and message....the social gatherings, and the sheer joy He showed when surrounded by children. Take the children alone. Can you seriously think that He never played football and tag with them, laughing with delight as they raced around?

Take every possible opportunity to laugh. I can hear you saying “How,” when some work awfully long hours, some have chronic pain, and some are enduring very stressful life situations. Well, wherever possible, put yourself in the way of funny stuff; stuff that does it to you every time.

Listen to some comedy routines (youtube has a great selection of Christian comedy routines – take a look at Mark Lowry); watch some hilarious movies; invite friends over for silly games; watch some children's antics - whatever it takes. If you have been so up tight lately that it hasn't even occurred to you to laugh, change all that and decide to have some fun. The more you laugh the less you will stress.

Just what the Doctor ordered - good medicine we all need right about now!

(Acknowledgements Hannah's cupboard)

Music? - “Jesus Laughing” - Mark Lowry and the Martins.  Click on the picture to listen.

December 15 - Better than an Xbox!

December 15 – Better than an Xbox!

"In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He Himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35 ESV

A week on Sunday and it will be Christmas Day - .the "biggie" is not far off. I'm not thinking about Christmas from the viewpoint of the Supermarket scrum, gifts to buy, cakes to bake, cards to send etc. I'm talking about a spiritual experience.

Now is the time to plan for a really spectacular Christmas that you will never forget. Barbara Lardinais tells of a very memorable Christmas that she and her family had some years ago. It took some planning but it was P-E-R-F-E-C-T.

About this time of year back then an idea popped into her head that they should consider doing Christmas a different way for once. There would be no gifts at all under the tree on Christmas morning. Instead they planned that the whole month before December 25th would be a constant gift giving to each other. Some items might be purchased but the emphasis was on time and thoughtfulness. The idea took hold; everyone liked it, and each began to strategize on how to out do each other in creativity.

The gift as a Christmas present was announced as it was given.. For instance, one person might do chores for one of them and leave a note: “Merry Christmas!” There were special shopping trips, time alone with each other, letters and notes, cooking of favourite foods, little surprise treats - on and on it went. The family had the best fun that month than they'd ever had, and were astounded at the load of gifts they each received.

Christmas morning was the best. They sat around their tree and read the traditional scripture; Luke 2. They reflected on how God the Father had given His Son Jesus on that day and how their special Christmas had reflected that spirit of giving in a unique way.

What a wonderful way to get back to basics and the true meaning of Christmas – especially this year 2016, when an impromptu survey of Christmas shoppers showed that the average family is looking at spending £400 plus on food and entertainment. On top of that reckon in the high cost of the latest technology children crave.

  1. Many years later, Barbara and family still talk about that year – the year she and her family gave each other the most precious gifts they could give....themselves....their time....their love. Isn't that what Jesus did that first Christmas? - Himself....His time....His love? .

He is here” (LIVE) performed by The Gaithers is today's music. Click on the picture to listen.

December 13 - Blessed are the peacemakers

December 13

‘Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9 (NKJV)

Hacksaw Ridge is here. It premiered on October 26, 2016 in Los Angeles, California but was released on November 4 in the USA and a day earlier in Australia. It is released in the UK on January 27, 2017. If you are an Adventist and have not heard about the former solider Desmond Doss, I think it might be an idea that you do some research as in the coming months you just might be asked about him.

Why? Because I believe the Adventist church has been granted an unprecedented opportunity to talk about their faith on account of the main stream film ‘Hacksaw Ridge’ directed by Mel Gibson, which has recently opened to rave reviews. If you do not intend on watching the film this complete press conference with the director, producer and cast members is very informative.

A question was asked why did the director chose to talk about the specific faith of Desmond Doss when he could have just made a film about a Christian solider. The complete answer can be found at time marker 5.42. One of the writers Robert Schenkkan began his answer with this statement

“I don’t think that you could tell the story of Desmond Doss and ignore his faith, his religious practise. It was very important to all of us to get this right, to be accurate. It undergirds who he is…”

‘Hacksaw Ridge opens unprecedented witnessing opportunities in Central Europe’ is just headline the internet unfolds. Indeed, BUC Communications department leader Richard Daly pulls together information from the world wide Adventist community in an article which can be found here.

In the manner that most befits you, be informed and help spread the gospel.

‘This is your life’. Click on the picture to hear testimonies from men whose live were saved and see Desmond Doss in this 1959 special. Thank you Bryn for sending me the links.

December 12 - Fishing for men

December 12

Matthew 4:19 Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!”

I belong to a small congregation. When I mean small, when every member is there, baptised or otherwise we total less than 20 including children. One of our burdens has been about evangelism and letting our local community know who we are and that we are just like them; sinners in need of a saviour. Door knocking has become increasing difficulty not just here in the UK but all over the world because of concerns about extremist views and just being safe in general in your own home.

So against this background something amazing happened at the weekend that I would like our readers to pray about.

Each Christmas we have a license to sing carols next to our church, so we cancel our normal church service roll our a piano or guitar and gather around usual one mic and sing for about 20 minutes. Even though we know Jesus wasn’t born at this time of year we use this opportunity to remind people about the reason they are buying presents! So on Sabbath while we were singing a lady from the local Coop (a small general food store) came across with a Christmas jumper and hat on and waited until we had finished our carol and begun her sentence

“I don’t want to be rude but… could you come and sing inside our store next week for about 20 minutes?”

We were fearing that she was going to tell us we were disturbing her shoppers or ask for our street license (which we have!).

So what we need now are your prayers that next week someone will be touched, not by the singing of the carols but by the Saviour we are going to sing about. This could be the key to unlock the door to their hearts for Jesus.

MattNickleMusic sing ‘O holy night’. Click on the picture to listen.

December 9-10 - In time of need

December 9-10 – In time of need

There will always be poor people in the land. Therefore I command you to be open-anded toward your fellow Israelites who are poor and needy in your land” Deuteronomy 15:11

Yesterday, I was having a conversation with a young woman about the level of poverty rife in our community, and the rapid rise in food banks. She frankly admitted that she and her partner, had gone through a time when the local food bank had been the only means for her to put a cooked meal on the table for them and their two children – not because they were out of work and dependent on benefits – to the contrary, her partner was working as a gas fitter, and she earned £30 a week caring full-time for an elderly neighbour. Nothing was left to spare by the time their essential bills had been paid. This is the situation facing so many families this Christmas.

A believer in the power of prayer, she went on to tell me about the Christmas they had when they not only couldn't afford a Christmas dinner, but there was no way they could buy gifts for their children. On the Christmas Eve as they went to bed, they were miserably debating what they would do when the children got up the next morning. A prayer for help was all they had.

The following morning – Christmas day, they occupied the children's attention with breakfast when they heard a knock on the front door. On the doorstep was a huge sack filled with gifts – something for each of the family – disappearing at a rapid pace they caught sight of “Santa Claus”....the partner of her best friend. This is true friendship.

The Bible has a lot to say about what true friendship should be like. Somehow, when I was younger, it seemed pretty easy to make and keep friends. Yes, friends fell out, but any spats were dealt with, then forgotten, but oddly enough, it seems that as people get older, the more entrenched their differences of opinion become. They become more defensive and find it harder to forgive and forget., making friendships harder to make and maintain.

God is relational and God has made us relational people. So why do we find relationships such hard work? Ever since Adam and Eve our world has been marked by strained relationships.

The book of Proverbs spends a lot of time describing and defining friendship.

One of the prime qualities of a friend is loyalty. Prov. 18:24 “A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother”

There are friends who merely pretend. But there is friendship that goes deeper and shows more loyalty than that of a brother. Prov. 17:17 “A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity”

A friend in need is a friend indeed. According to Proverbs there will always be fair-weather friends. But a true friend will be there through thick and thin. In case we think only of the friendship we hope to receive, we are told to give this kind of loyalty, even to our parent’s friends, in Proverbs 27:10 which urges, “Do not forsake your friend and the friend of your father and do not go to your brother’s house when disaster strikes you — better a neighbour nearby than a brother far away.”

Another quality of friendship in Proverbs is Honest Counsel. A true friend must be lovingly honest and should help shape their friend’s character. Prov. 27:6 “Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.”

Friends often say hard words to us out of love. They rebuke us when necessary, point out where we're going wrong. Not an easy thing to do, and unless you are a real friend, you probably won’t say anything negative. So if a friend of yours has a problem of their own making, the loving thing to do is gently confront them. Prov. 28:23 “Whoever rebukes a man will afterwards find more favour than he who flatters with his tongue.” Likewise if a friend pulls you up on something, don’t go defensive or counter attack, accept their words as words of love. True friends counsel and encourage each other. Prov.27:9 “Oil and perfume make the heart glad, and the sweetness of a friend comes from his earnest counsel” Prov. 27:17 “Iron sharpens iron, and one man sharpens another”

A healthy difference in points of view makes friendships stronger. A true friendship will have both elements. So be honest, frank and open with your friends.

That’s the character of true friendship. How do you stack up? Are you an honest and loyal friend? Can you say the hard words to your friends? When your friend goes through a hard time are you the first one there with practical help, a hug and phone call or prayer? Or are you nowhere to be found?

Real friends always let you in, and they never let you down.

Acknowledgements Mike Everett

My choice of music today is "Love Lifted Me" - sung by Kim Hopper.  Click here to listen

December 8 - Keep after it

'Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. He said: “In a certain town there was a judge who neither feared God nor cared what people thought. And there was a widow in that town who kept coming to him with the plea, ‘Grant me justice against my adversary.’  “For some time he refused. But finally he said to himself, ‘Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!’”  And the Lord said, “Listen to what the unjust judge says. And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off? I tell you, he will see that they get justice, and quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?”' - Luke 18: 1-6

I've always been drawn to the story of the persistent widow in Luke 18. I like the gutsy way she keeps coming back to the Judge day after day until she wears him down and he finally relents and gives her justice.

Jesus says that even in the natural realm this kind of dogged persistence will succeed though the Judge "did not fear God, and did not respect man." (Luke 18:2) Then he reminds his listeners that God isn't like that unrighteous Judge. "Now shall not God bring about justice for His elect, who cry to Him day and night"? (Verse 7) Persistence will win out.

But Jesus ends the parable with a curious statement. He laments; "when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?" (Verse 8) Why does he say "faith" instead of "persistence"? Shouldn't it be; "Will he find persistence on the earth?" Isn't this whole thing about being persistent in prayer?

As I was reading this scripture for the umpteenth time the other day I suddenly saw something I had never seen before. In God's eyes, persistence EQUALS faith. That realisation was a big shot of encouragement to me. There are times when I feel that my faith for a particular issue falters but if I persist, God sees it as if I had all the faith in the world. I'm going to get what I'm after as long as I keep after it.

If you've been praying for something for a long time don't stop. When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith in YOU?
Barbara Lardinais

Music for today is "The Prayer" sung by David Phelps and Lauren Talley.  Click on the picture to listen.

December 6 - Have you had your vitamins?

December 6

‘Say only ‘yes’ if you mean ‘yes,’ and say only ‘no’ if you mean ‘no.’ If you say more than that, it is from the Evil One.’ Matthew 5:37

It has begun - the month of Christmas. The beginning of December seems to spawn an expectation amongst a pocket of society. A hype fuelled with in your face advertising, jolly jingling piped music from the shops and tinsel and burbles everywhere. Like it or not, the festive season is here.

Parents especially seem to be under the most pressure to produce what they can’t really afford, to a generation who don’t understand the value of postposed gratification.

Even if you don’t face these struggles but have children, this blog is for you.

Vitamin N is the most under valued of all the vitamin family. I admit that up to a couple of weeks ago I was not aware of it myself even though as a child I had plenty of it. Watch the clip and administer it sparingly. Enjoy your day. 

Vitamin N. Click on the link to access it.


December 5 - Your choice

December 5

The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God. 2 Sam 23:3

It would seem that the dust over the election of the 53rd president of the United States is still settling. Various articles over his recent appoints to political offices or his interpersonal style of leadership grab the headlines daily.

One such articles struck me but for a different reason. ‘Texas Elector Resigns, Claims Trump Not 'Biblically Qualified' to Serve as President’. Art Sisneros writes an interesting blog post where he bases his argument on his interpretation of scripture using these bible text, almost others, as a premise not to vote.

The God of Israel said, The Rock of Israel spoke to me: He who rules over men must be just, Ruling in the fear of God. 2 Sam 23:3

Moreover you shall select from all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties, and rulers of tens. Exodus 18:21

Choose wise, understanding, and knowledgeable men from among your tribes, and I will make them heads over you. Deut 1:13

I had written, in draft, a blog analysing this argument. Upon reflection I realised it ultimately came down to this one question; who do we choose as Lord over our lives? It is a political leader who we perceive can make our lives more comfortable whilst here on earth or is it the sovereign Lord?

Your choice.  

Clay Crosse sings 'My place is with you'. Click on the picture to listen.

December 2-3 - The key

December 2-3 – The key

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us” - 1 John 5:14

I always feel that I've been especially blessed that I was born and raised by Christian parents, as many of you were. During the nine months of my mother's pregnancy, all I heard was the sound of praise and prayer. The church was “between buildings” at the time of my birth, and were using my mother's sitting-room each Sabbath for church services. As Divine Service progressed downstairs, I came into the world upstairs. I often teased mum by asking what they were singing. Was it 'The Battle Now is Raging'? or was it 'Fight the Good Fight'?

Yes, as I grew though childhood into teenage years, and there were times when I thought the grass on the other side looked greener – especially when I had to turn down invitations I would dearly have loved to accept. Somehow though, whenever I was tempted to 'go, just one time,' something held me back. I was later to find that it was down to my mother. By that I mean the way she always prayed for me. Somehow mum always seemed to know when something was afoot, and I would be stopped in my tracks.

I wondered about this until she shared her secret. "I always pray that you won't be successful if you're tempted to go astray. I ask God to stop you before you make a bad decision.” I'm pleased to say that mum's prayers were heard and successful. As an adult, I am so grateful now. Her prayers kept me safe and secure.

God wants us to relax and enjoy our lives, to have friends and accept invitations. As we make our spiritual journey through life, it should be wonderful and enjoyable. In fact, here's what his Word says in Jude 24: "Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and to make you stand in the presence of His glory blameless with great joy..."

I'm not suggesting that we take our spiritual walk lightly or that we have a laissez-faire or cavalier attitude about God. I am suggesting however, that we remember that when Jesus was on earth He had friends, He accepted invitations, He relaxed. God wants the same for us.

The key is prayer.  With the prayers of those who love us we will be kept from stumbling, and God wants us to trust Him to do the job. We may want to micro-manage things but the truth is we won't do as good a job as He does. Also, we won't be able to relax and enjoy the abundance He has given us if we worry and take our spiritual safety and progress into our own hands.

Consider the scripture from Jude an invitation to trust the Saviour in new ways, He'll handle the details. You can relax; the rest is on Him.

So, parents out there – continue to pray constantly for your children, or spouse – be like Hosea in the Old Testament who prayed for his wayward wife: "Therefore, behold, I will hedge up her way with thorns, and I will build a wall against her so that she cannot find her paths." (Hosea 2:6)

They will thank you later. For now, if they are tempted to go astray, let them only find thorns and walls in their path.

Music for today is  "I'll Pray for You" (LIVE)     Click on the picture to listen.

Dcember 1 - What about NOW!

December 1 - What about NOW?

"Then the kingdom of heaven will be comparable to ten virgins, who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. "Five of them were foolish, and five were prudent. "For when the foolish took their lamps, they took no oil with them” - Matthew 25:1-12

They say that at the moment of death your whole life flashes before your eyes in an instant. Is there time in that moment, I wonder, to regret whatever time was wasted? Of course, what good would it do you then?

Barbara Lardinais says. “I try harder than I used to to make every minute count because of a big mistake I made years ago. I moved into a townhouse with my daughters when they were very little expecting to be there only a short time. I love flowers and thought of planting some tulip bulbs the first autumn. "No" I said to myself, "I'll not be here to see them come up." Spring came and went and I was still there but had no flowers to enjoy.

The following fall I told myself that surely by next spring I would be gone so again I didn't plant. I ended up living there fifteen years and never had a bulb garden. I thought my life was going to go a certain way but I was wrong. By looking ahead instead of making decisions based on the present I really missed out.”

Recently I came across this quote by one of my favourite poets, Emily Dickinson. She said; "Forever is composed of nows." She's quite right about that; forever has already begun for each one of us. Don't waste your time thinking about tomorrow. What about NOW?

Sing for the Climate – We Need to do it Now” today's music. Click on the picture to listen.