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December 16-17 - Go on, enjoy!

December 16-17 – Go on, enjoy!

"A cheerful heart does good like a medicine but a broken spirit makes one sick" Proverbs 17:22

Have you noticed how, nowadays, people rush around from A-B with head down, frowns on their faces, eyes glued to their Smart-phones, avoiding eye contact with passers by at all costs?. Christmas and othe Bank Holidays just seem to exacerbate whatever the cause may be. On the other hand, can you remember the days when shoppers and commuters smiled at each other, said “good morning”, and still got to work on time! They even found time for a chat, and shared a bit of a crack (laugh and joke)?

Perhaps it's time to suggest that we all schedule a side splitting, fall down and roll around on the floor laughing spree! Some of us need it badly – in fact, all of us need it. God built in a laugh capacity to each person to release stress among other reasons. Smiling and laughing are good for the body and good for the soul.

We only have to think of Jesus' life on earth – His choice of disciples - His day to day life and the people He associated with – His humour in the illustrations He used to impress the importance of His work and message....the social gatherings, and the sheer joy He showed when surrounded by children. Take the children alone. Can you seriously think that He never played football and tag with them, laughing with delight as they raced around?

Take every possible opportunity to laugh. I can hear you saying “How,” when some work awfully long hours, some have chronic pain, and some are enduring very stressful life situations. Well, wherever possible, put yourself in the way of funny stuff; stuff that does it to you every time.

Listen to some comedy routines (youtube has a great selection of Christian comedy routines – take a look at Mark Lowry); watch some hilarious movies; invite friends over for silly games; watch some children's antics - whatever it takes. If you have been so up tight lately that it hasn't even occurred to you to laugh, change all that and decide to have some fun. The more you laugh the less you will stress.

Just what the Doctor ordered - good medicine we all need right about now!

(Acknowledgements Hannah's cupboard)

Music? - “Jesus Laughing” - Mark Lowry and the Martins.  Click on the picture to listen.



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