May 4-5 - Enjoy!
May 4-5 – Enjoy!
“People ought to enjoy every day of their lives, no matter how long they live” (Ecclesiastes 11:8 NCV).
It’s the first common denominator of great families: Awesome families are playful. They know how to play. They know how to have fun. They enjoy life together. This is the missing ingredient in so many families today. Today our families are too busy, too tired, too negative, too worn out, and too serious. Who wants to come home from school to that? Families should be fun.
The Bible talks about this and actually commands it. Ecclesiastes 11:8 says, “People ought to enjoy every day of their lives, no matter how long they live” (NCV).
Just recently in London, the day began as any other day had begun – the usual sqabbles over the bathroom, breakfast on the run, and the commute into the city. Tourists to the capital were looking forward to a good day's sightseeing....then it happened. As they walked across Weatminster Bridge, a vehicle mounted the pavement and the driver deliberately mowed the pedestrians down, killing many, and seriously injuring others. Whatever plans they had for the day, and their return home in the evening....ended.
This is why it is important for you to enjoy every day. Because you don’t know how long you’re going to live. You don’t know if you’ve got next week or next month. You don’t even know if you’ve got tomorrow. So whatever living you’re going to do, you'd better do it now.
When Rick Warren's kids were growing up, he determined that the number one thing he wanted them to know about their family was not that theye were good or smart or whatever. He wanted them to know that they were loved and that they had fun together. He created all kinds of things just to have fun.
He goes on to describe one of them called 'Daddy’s Magical Mystery Tour. The kids loved it. It’s a hallowed reputation in our family. Now I do it with grandkids! When the kids were in preschool or grade school, I’d wake them up about midnight and yell, “Get out of bed! It’s time for Daddy’s Magical Mystery Tour!” And they’d get excited because they knew that meant that they didn’t have to go to school and that we were about to do something really fun, whether it was driving to a hotel with a pool or making an ice cream run.'
Think back to your own childhood and what we remember most. Was it what our parents said, or how they made you feel. That’s important advice for a boss, a boyfriend or girlfriend, a parent, or a husband or wife.
My siblings and I don’t remember anything my parents said to us in the early years of our lives. But we do remember the laughter and the fun – the hours happily spent with Dad, beachcombing, looking under rocks to discover the rich sea-life hiding under them. We remember the love, the fun.
As Rick Warren says, 'Awesome families are playful.'
“I recommend having fun …. That way [you] will experience some happiness along with all the hard work God gives [you]” (Ecclesiastes 8:15 NLT, second edition)
Music today is God Never Stopped Loving Me - Country Gospel by Keith Rath. Click on the picture to listen.