Bible Studies
We have found that people do want to study the Bible for themselves. This page has been included on this page to guide you and provide you with some resources if you want to study the Bible for yourself.
I would recommend the Adventist Discovery Centre courses that you will see advertised elsewhere on this website. The centre, run by my friend Des Rafferty, offers a wide number of studies - which include courseson family life, Biblical archaeology and, well, the list is too extensive to provide here. Take a look for yourself.
We also provide studies here that are tailored for different courses that we run as part of our church life.
If you want to find out about the nature of man, or more particularly the nature of sin. Click here to download a simple Bible study that you can review at home for yourself.
On the other hand you might want to find out how you could share your faith effectively. The following Bible Study may give you some guidance.