May 14
But the life of John was not spent in idleness, in ascetic gloom, or in selfish isolation. From time to time he went forth to mingle with men; and he was ever an interested observer of what was passing in the world. From his quiet retreat he watched the unfolding of events. With vision illuminated by the divine Spirit he studied the characters of men, that he might understand how to reach their hearts with the message of heaven. The burden of his mission was upon him. In solitude, by meditation and prayer, he sought to gird up his soul for the lifework before him.
Although in the wilderness, he was not exempt from temptation. So far as possible, he closed every avenue by which Satan could enter, yet he was still assailed by the tempter. But his spiritual perceptions were clear; he had developed strength and decision of character, and through the aid of the Holy Spirit he was able to detect Satan's approaches, and to resist his power.
Desire of Ages, page 103 from the chapter, 'The voice in the wilderness'
It is possible that you may have chosen to isolate yourself from the world in order to escape sin. A castle on a hill may sound attractive - but there aren't too many of those around. The caravan in a field idea might sound attractive but won’t remove the chance of temptation. That one solitary fly buzzing around the caravan is sure to drive you to distraction before the blood pressure rises and evil thoughts develop.
Satan can walk in deserts as easily as in the streets of London. Please note that John the Baptism knew what temptation was, he was not sinless.
His strength came from the presence of the Holy Spirit in his life, his clear perception – because he knew what the Devil was capable of – and the fact that he knew how to detect when Satan was approaching.
People who are stopping smoking are advised to create a diary which helps them spot the times when they feel desperate for a hit of nicotine. They learn that the times to be aware of temptation are after food, when ever so slightly bored and when under stress.
And now a side step from me, to hear Nevile Peter sing, ‘Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus’. Please click on the picture to listen.
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Housekeeping details for you
The point of this short blog will become clear if you decide to use this reading in the way we intend it. Netherfield Seventh-day Adventist Church believes in healthy churches. You can see what that means if you head to the relevant Healthy Churches page of the website. We also want other churches to be healthy. That means you can join in our campaign to create healthy churches, with healthy people serving the people in those churches.
A healthy church is one where Jesus comes first. A healthy church is one where the people work together to put Jesus first. One thing we are doing is to join people together to spread that news. I would like you to look at our prayer partners page. This will explain how we want you to use this short devotional. Very basically we want you to find a like-minded Christian friend who you will join with to : choose to pray together every day, decide together on a way to serve other people together, to help them grow as Christians - and to invite the Holy Spirit into your life every day. This blog that you will receive every day simply gives a common spiritual purpose. If you are a newcomer and want to join the blog with this object in mind click here