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September 23-24-Coattails

They said to the woman, “It is no longer because of what you said that we believe, for we have heard for ourselves, and we know that this is indeed the Savior of the world.” (John 4:42)

You probably all did this as small children - hung on to your dad's coattail for security,,,,you had faith in him to keep you safe from harm.  Just the act of hanging on on your part was an expression of faith.  Similarly, this statement isn't only a proclamation of faith. It encapsulates an idea and a necessary step in all of our spiritual development as Christians. At first, when we are new believers we take much of what we now know of God on faith. We believe what our Bible teachers tell us and what our Preachers reveal in their sermons about the character and heart of God. That is wonderful, and it should be that way… …for new Christians.

As we develop and grow though, the question we must confront and answer for ourselves is the heart of John 4:42; simply stated this way: “At what point have you stopped depending on others’ faith and started trusting in Christ for yourself?” We must, in our spiritual development, come to the point where our faith is just that — “OURS.” We must experience the goodness and faithfulness of God. We must also experience His chastisement, His rebuke that brings growth and moulds our character increasingly into the image of His Son.

We need to open our eyes and see how He has been moving and continues to move in our lives. We must learn for ourselves that He is trustworthy, and that Romans 8:28 really IS true; "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose"....no matter the circumstance. Without a concentrated, intentional effort on OUR part, we will NOT have a faith of our own….we will, sadly, ride the coat tails of those brothers and sisters who were brave enough to trudge ever onward and upward in Christ.

Do we have problems with this?  If so, why?  The day came when the small child in us let go of dad's coattails and we faced up to life.  We stopped (on the whole) doing childish things, we "put them away," as 1 Corinthians 13 says.

So, let us challenge ourselves today, to step off of whatever spiritual ”coattails” we are riding on, be uncomfortable, get our feet wet, and stand [on our own feet] for Christ. God never promised us it would be easy, trials, hardships and pain are on this road….but just when you think it's all intollerable, Christ's coattail is there to hang on to. 

I can personally guarantee that the journey only gets sweeter and more fulfilling with every step you make with Christ. Follow Him. No matter where He leads. No matter the cost. The reward for doing so is absolutely immeasurable! Just ask David:
“You make known to me the path of life;  in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” (Psalm 16:11)

(Acknowledgements: menofpraise)

Music today is this:  "Joy Comes in the Morning" LIVE.  Click on the picture to listen.



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