Daily Reading
Return to BlogSEPTEMBER 18-19 The dreamer (part 2)
SEPTEMBER 18-19 The dreamer (part2)
While they were in prison, Pharaoh’s cup-bearer and baker each had a dream one night, and each dream had its own meaning. When Joseph saw them the next morning, he noticed that they both looked upset. “Why do you look so worried today?” he asked them – Genesis 4:5-7.
After being wrongfully charged for an offence he didn't commit, Joseph found himself in prison. One day he received two new cell mates, Pharaoh’s chief baker and his chief cup-bearer. Since Joseph had shown himself to be responsible and skilled, he was ultimately placed in charge of these two prisoners. Having this kind of authority, Joseph could have easily let it go to his head and lorded it over them, and been rude and disrespectful. Instead, we see that Joseph was kind and compassionate, acknowledging their feelings and reaching out to them.
Joseph offered a shoulder to cry on. Not only did he listen to their distress, he also offered to solve their problem by interpreting their dreams. What amazing character Joseph had. Though also a pisoner, Joseph put himself aside to help others.
After Joseph interprets the baker’s and cup-bearer’s dreams, he asks the cup-bearer, whom he knew would soon be promoted back to his job, to remember him and hopefully aid in getting him freed from his wrongful imprisonment. Joseph reached out and helped someone despite his suffering, so it seems right that he would receive a reward and a blessing from that. But once the cup-bearer was restored to his position, he forgot all about Joseph, thus he was to remain in prison for two more long years. I bet it was really tempting for Joseph to try to manipulate and scheme things to get himself out of there. In contrast, it seems that he instead grew closer to God and grew in faith waiting for God to move, in His time. We know that by how Joseph acted when we see him next.
Two years after Joseph interpreted his dream, the cup-bearer finally remembered him when Pharaoh needed someone to interpret his dream. At last Joseph was brought out of prison to share one of his God-given gifts and help someone in authority. After Joseph interpreted the meaning of Pharaoh's dream - forthcoming prosperity and famine throughout the land, he advised Pharaoh regarding his best course of action. (Genesis 41).
Pharaoh should find an intelligent and wise man and put him in charge of the entire land of Egypt (Genesis 41:33). Joseph’s suggestions were well received by Pharaoh and his officials. So Pharaoh asked his officials, “Can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the spirit of God?” (Genesis 41: 37-38).
If I were Joseph, I’d probably want to shout from the rooftops “Pick me, pick me!!!” Joseph was very capable of doing this job and he would do it well because he was experienced and gifted at it! But Joseph was quiet. He didn’t promote himself or try to prove that he would be the best at this. Instead he sat back and watched as God did just that - God promoted him.
Then Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Since God has revealed the meaning of the dreams to you, clearly no one else is as intelligent or wise as you are. You will be in charge of my court, and all my people will take orders from you. Only I, sitting on my throne, will have a rank higher than yours.” Pharaoh said to Joseph, “I hereby put you in charge of the entire land of Egypt” (Genesis 41:39-41).
In just one day, Joseph was released from prison and put into a place of high authority, and brought glory to God instead of himself. Joseph was an amazing man of patience, integrity and character. So many of us have read his story over and over again and marveled at how God brought justice and blessing to him, despite being treated unfairly. Looking at Joseph more closely and analyzing his actions (and lack of action in certain circumstances) we can see a shining example of one of God’s loyal servants whom God saw worthy of being promoted to a high calling.
When we have times in our lives where we are being treated unfairly or things seem to be continually against us, we can look to Joseph for a great example of how to keep our eyes on God and continue to live in integrity and have confidence that God will come through for us at his perfect timing.
Acknowledgments Cortni Marrazzo.
Our music today, Gaither Vocal Band LIVE - “Sometimes it takes a Mountain. Click on the picture of Joseph interpreting Pharoah's dream to listen.
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