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November 9 - Time stewards

"Whereas ye know not what [shall be] on the morrow. For what [is] your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away" - James 4:14

There are some very weary people in the United Kingdom on November 9th, 2016. Many will have stayed up to see if Trump has played his card or if Hilary has simply won. People can take politics too seriously don’t you think?

On Sunday, David Attenborough, a likeable Leicester lad, presented yet another of his nature extravaganzas. One item saw a baby iguana run the gauntlet of speedy snakes with their eye on a taste of cousin lizard. Over 7 million people have watched the long clip in just 3 days. That means over 2 years of life have been given to viewing one short but enthralling clip. It just goes to show how much things can mean to people.

 Me, I was trying to save me some money. The home and contents insurance policy was due for renewal. I wanted the best possible price. My first stop was my friend, the moneysavingexpert. I looked for advice and too the advice. The search took some time, this comparison website and then the next comparison website – and then a third website. I had searched 98% of the market. I’m now letting the quotes stew in the hope that some quotes will pop up and marvellously offer even better prices. I have followed the advice to the letter.

What have I learned? If I can pay the insurance in one go rather than in instalments I can save myself over £100. Making sure I check my facts will mean I can save another small hillock of money. If I put my wife on the policy I save even more. I also found that the super expensive insurance company from 10 years ago – is now the cheapest in the block – and that was the company I was advised to avoid.

A surprising fact was that if I own a four bedroom house in Lincolnshire with garage and an office I will pay 30% less insurance than if I insure a tiny 3 bedroom former local authority terraced house in Tyne and Wear.

There is another thing I have learned. People are prepared to spend hours watching political progress. Other people give hours of their lives to watching nature videos. Many more spend even longer watching cat videos. I spent hours saving myself £2 a week.

Last week at our Pastor’s meeting we were strongly advised to do thorough exegesis of Bible passages. We all knew the time that would take but were told, “We all make time to do the things that are important.”

I got the message. That said, I also got the bargain in a good insurance quote, I just used my time wisely.

Mahalia Jackson sings todays song - "If Never We Needed the Lord (We sure do need Him Now)."  Click on the picture to listen.



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