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Return to BlogNovember 22 - A very funny thing...
November 22 – A very funny thing...
'Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them”' - Psalm 126:2 NIV
You'd think the survivors would never smile and laugh again after witnessing the horrors and slaughter of World Wars One and Two, yet, these wars were to produce a plethora of comedy, and classic actors, such as Sid James, Michael Caine etc who, after the wars, went on to appear in the Carry On films and numerous others, many of which were war based. Their sense of humour had survived and throughout their lives they brought laughter to millions of fans.
Over the past couple of years I have been receiving treatment for a bacterial infection. What a blessing that has been, and what a learning curve! So many people have come and gone each day during the course of treatment...some who looked as though their faces would crack if they allowed it to smile, (far from therapeutic). . Then there were those whose visits brought sunshine with them, even on the most dismal day.
These people, whether they realised it or not, by having a 'merry heart,' were, not only speeding up my recovery, but taking the stress out of their workday and extending their own lives.
What does the Bible say about laughter? Laughter is an amazing ability that God gave us all. Laughter helps us cope with sadness and life. The Bible gives examples of when to laugh and when not to laugh. The Bible also gives us the strength to be able to laugh at the wicked. “The wicked plot against the godly; they snarl at them in defiance. But the Lord just laughs, for he sees their day of judgment coming” (Psalm 37:12-13). (Bible Study Tools)
Proverbs 17:22 says that “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine,” and Robert Louis Stevenson agrees saying, “A happy man is a better thing to find than a five pound note.”
Laughter should be on prescription instead of pills....'Take a dose three X's a day, or whenever feeling low.'
It's true. It's good to laugh. I'd even go as far as saying that the gift of laughter should be considered as much a ministry as the calling to preach. A ministry, I'm convinced that was demonstrated by Jesus during His time on earth. It was no coincidence that Jesus chose to perform His first miracle at a wedding....likely to have been a family wedding as Mary, Jesus, and His disciples were invited together - (John 2:1-11.
Eastern weddings are far more than the one afternoon jobs we are used to, theirs can go on for a week....food, music, dancing, good wine....and laughter.
Jesus, His mother and is disciples were invited to a wedding, and when the wine ran out, Jesus delivered a sign of his glory by turning water into wine. Can you imagine Jesus sitting impassively in a corner and not taking part in the celebrations? Or, playing with children and having a face like a stern school master? Spending leisure hours with a group of rough fishermen without laughing at their antics? - let alone all those meals in people's homes? He wouldn't have got far in spreading His Word if His demeanour had been politely aloof.
I'm not talking about us and senseless giggling, but the upsurge of joy that comes up from the heart and bursts into laughter....faith dancing. Joy because we have a Saviour, and the assurance of eternal life. Sheer exuberant laughter because we are free. In light of that, why are so many Christians po-faced?
When I get low day's, it's good to settle down with Gervais Phinn. Gervais, until retirement was a School Inspector in Yorkshire, UK. He is author of books based on the sayings and humour of the children he met on his rounds – for instance: 'Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star,' and 'Wayne in a Manger.' Another book to encourage a good laugh is titled: 'Even the Angels Must Laugh Sometimes.' This book relates hilarious 'happenings' in churches across denominations. If you prefer video's, go on youtube and check in with Mark Lowry, an accomplished singer and part of the Gaither Vocal Band, Mark is also a very funny Christian stand-up comedian. Click on the link to listen to a sample.
'He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouts of joy' – Job 8:21.
Listen, and you'll hear Jesus laughing. He triumphed over sin, evil, and death. HE LIVES! Because of His sacrifice, so will we.
So, go on, enjoy, for “This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it” - Psalm 118:24. NKJV
Click on the picture to listen to Mark Lowry singing 'Jesus Laughing.'
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