Daily Reading
Return to BlogNovember 18 - Take up thy bed... A word to the men: Part 3
Jesus saith unto him, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk." John 5:8
Restored. – Arise take up thy bed
The Spirit of inspiration indicates that the man, after having his sins forgiven was satisfied and was not concerned whether he was to walk again or not. However, the Lord Jesus had not finished with him yet for the Lord saw there was more healing that needed to occur. Thus, Jesus, after sorting out his detractors, the scribes and Pharisees, he said to the man, “Arise, and take up thy couch and go into thine house.” Here the power of Jesus restored the man to walk in the strength of God’s original creation. To walk upon his two legs bearing the dignified image of God as one who was restored by the loving kindness of God. Yes, he was restored from the degradation and humiliation of sin to the brightness and radiance of God Almighty. Having thus been restored, he was to take up his mat. In other words, his past life story was to be his forever testimony of the love of God to redeem, heal and restore.
Next he was to “go into his house.” Here Jesus was saying there was homework to be done. The man was now to take his spiritual, emotional and physical healing with him and heal the broken relationships that were within his household. He was to be the healing influence and presence that the Lord desired to share with those who had been hurt by the man’s sin. He was to be the living example of the good news of how the Love of God can heal and restore broken hearts and lives. In other words, Jesus wanted the man’s experience of healing to promote healing of the hearts of his wife, his children, his siblings, his parents, in fact just about anyone in his house. Basically, Jesus was reminding the man that his stewardship responsibility was his home!
Donnie McClurkin sings 'Speak to my heart.' Click on the picture to listen.
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