Daily Reading
Return to BlogNovember 12 - Show the love
November 12 – Show the love
“This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down His life for us” - 1 John 3:16
Real love is an action – selfless, sacrificial giving – an act of reaching out to make contact with those around us, yet increasingly we are all isolating ourselves with our obsession with technology. We see it every day. People standing in bus queues – sitting in restaurants – walking along with friends, isolated in their own world, as with smart phone welded to their hand, they are oblivious of the world and people around them....no involvement, no encouragement, no need to share, reach out, or give a toss. Just concentrate on sending the next text message – playing the next game.
When you stop to think about it, it's somewhat like being in a lift, an impersonal place where anonymity, isolation, and independence are on display. Almost as though there's a sign that says, “Just watch the numbers and look at nobody. No talking. No smiling. No touching. No eye contact.”
Years ago, Charles Swindoll and a couple of his friends were waiting for a lift. As the door slid open it was packed with people, all with the closed expression on their faces that said, “Surely you aren't planning to get in here, are you?” They did. Chuck was the last to get in and was squeezed with his back against the door with everyone avoiding eye contact by staring in his direction at the numbers above his head.
After a few seconds of total silence Chuck's sense of humour came to the fore, and he smiled broadly and said loudly, “You might have wondered why we called this meeting!” The lift erupted in laughter, it was amazing! People began talking, and actually relating....on a lift, because someone had reached out.
I'm sure you are as glad as I am that Jesus ignored the sign. Our Saviour modelled how to live – and He did it perfectly. He didn't just preach from heaven, keeping a safe distance from us. He came to earth. He literally becme one of us. He cared. He listened. He served. He touched lives, supported and affirmed. He encouraged. He connected. He took time to listen. He walked with people. Jesus never “took the lift.”
Christmas is approaching, and there couldn't be a better time to remember, and find time to, have fun as a family. Reaquaint with each other over meaningful mealtimes, and eye-to-eye conversations – confirm our love and need for each other, despite the up's and down's and disappointments of our daily lives. But, like Jesus, we also need to be committed to reach out beyond our own circles. We need to get off the lift and touch the lives of other people.
Diana Ross today presents “Reach Out And Touch” as our music today. Click on the picture to listen.
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