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May13-14 - Possible dreams

May 13 – Possible dreams

Ask, Seek, Knock - “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened” - Matthew 7:7-8

The two previous blogs on mental health and disability are certainly food for thought, because enabling, over the years, has been given a bad rap. To seek, or accept, help from others, fellow humans, implies a weakness or inability to handle things on our own, and false pride kicks in. Being enabled by God however, is completely different. No matter how strong and capable we think we are, compared to His strength we are weak.

Our joy and assurance is, that as a children of the King, we don't have to stand alone. We don't have to be strong in all things. God's dream for us includes being part of everything we do. How much more that applies to what He has called us to do – to love, serve, and support those in need. It's through His power that we fulfill His purpose, and see His dream come true.

Life is a great equaler. We were all made from the dust of the earth. We all breathe the breath of God. Our bodies and minds are subject to the same diseases and malfunction. We will all die and return to dust.. We are nothing without Him. We belong to Him and it is only through His power and grace that we are enabled to accomplish all things.

Just as God enabled Paul and Barnabas to perform miracles and wonders, He enables us to accomplish everything—from daily, routine tasks to challenges perceived as impossible. I'm sure there are times you have all felt like yelling up to God, “But I can’t do it.” But we should be adding just one more word to that—“alone.” Yes, then the impossible becomes possible. God doesn't expect you to do what He has called you to do all by yourself.

The biblical instruction concerning prayer is that we pray for the good things that we truly need, according to the will of God, persistently (see Luke 18:1), unselfishly (see James 4:3), and in faith (see James 1:6). In Matthew 21:22 Jesus again emphasizes faith: “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Part of having faith is acceding to God’s plan as best. If we ask for healing, and that is the best thing for us, we should not doubt that God will heal us. If He does not heal, then not being healed is a necessary part of a larger plan—one that is ultimately for our good.

When we pray within His will, in the authority of Jesus, persistently, unselfishly, and in faith, we will receive what we need for our own lives, and to help the lives of others.

You can do it! Just don’t try it on your own. Turn that plea into a prayer. God will hear you.

Acknowledgments: 'ExtraOrdinary women's ministries,' 'GotQuestions?org.'

Bryn's music selection today - “Where No-on Stands Alone” - LIVE. Click on the picture to listen.



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