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May 25 - Adam?

May 25

And Adam said:

“This is now bone of my bones
And flesh of my flesh;
She shall be called Woman,
Because she was taken out of Man.” Genesis 2:23


Question. What do motor transport and the bible have in common?

Answer. A motoring campaign by Vauxhall.

Actually, I think it’s a little too clever for the average person on the street.

Introducing the new Vauxhall Adam (the Corsa rebranded) ‘Where everyone’s an original.’ I decided to do a little research just in the staffroom where I work. I asked two questions.

Have you seen the new advertising campaign by Vauxhall?

If the answer was yes then, why is it called the Vauxhall Adam? To my surprise not even the Christians made the connection until I pointed it out to them.

“I just thought that it was a male name at the beginning of the alphabet!’

“To be honest I never would have made the link until you said!”

Some people just use the bible as a reference book, an alternative thesaurus, a book stop on a shelf and now, as an advertising campaign?

During my research I even came across a YouTube clip where a son was advertising for a man for his mom. In the comment section below someone wrote

‘Good luck! I’m curious though, why the name Adam?’

As a bible believing Christian the book of Genesis tells me that God created the first man, Adam on the sixth day. He was the first man, created in Gods image. God saw that ‘it was good’ but Adam was alone. So he put him to sleep and from his rib created Eve to be his helpmeet. This is the real story, not the advertising campaign or the lost and looking for love advert.

Could this be an opportunity for you to use this as a witnessing opportunity?

Mark Aldred sings 'Flesh of my flesh' by Leon Patillo. Click on the picture to listen.



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