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May 11-12 - A Whole Lot of Shakin'

May 11 – Whole lot of Shakin'

For the mountains may be removed and the hills may shake, but my lovingkindness will not be removed from you.”(Isaiah 54:10)

Can we afford to procrastinate any longer? This week World News has concentrated on 'peace and safety' as the leaders of North and South Korea publicly display a seemingly developing friendship. America and Russia continue parrying for dominance, while China rouses from her sleep, and many countries in Europe are hardening their humanitarian stances. Add to this the most violent, entrenched, extensive war that is raging between Iran and Israel. Populations are dying from lack of the very basics of life – food, water, health care. Millions of others roam the world as they seek 'peace and safety.' Natural disasters destroy whole areas as volcanoes erupt, and hurricanes run their destructive course. A whole lot of shakin' is going on.

Can we afford to be like Agrippa when he said to the Apostle Paul, “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” Or, are we prepared to say, at this moment in time, as we see Bible prophecy being fulfilled, “ … choose you this day whom ye will serve; … but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” (Josh. 24:2, 15).

'What a comfort our scripture reading in Isaiah 54:10 is! That’s a wonderful promise but it has no reality for most of us because we have never experienced the world literally coming down around us.

Oh, some have – such as those who have gone through natural disasters and certainly those who are right now in war torn places. They are seeing mountains being removed and hills shaking. We should think about this because there is more to come. Remember that Jesus said regarding the End Times; “for then there will be a great tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall.” (Matthew 24:21)

As these things begin to happen, how shall we react? Do we wring our hands and feel afraid and anxious? Do we shake our head and click our TV to another channel so we don’t have to face it? Do we cry out; “why us?”

Instead, consider what is being offered to us during times of shaking. He said; “my lovingkindness will not be removed from you.”Think of it like wearing a fur lined wool cloak in bitter winter. It is wrapped snugly around you if you belong to the Savior. You are safe from the elements and it will not come off. It may be cold out there but not to you.

If you have yet to be personally touched by mountains moving or hills shaking, that’s good; but – your turn may come. If it does, be ready. The Lord’s lovingkindness is your coat of protection as the world spins more and more out of control awaiting his return. Are you wearing yours?'

(Acknowledgements Barbara Lardinais, Hannah's Cupboard)

The Lord holds out His hand. Grasp it, and hold on tight.

“Jesus it's me again”-Carol Baker, brings us today's music. Click on the picture to listen.



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