Daily Reading
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March 25 – Who validates you?
“Open up before God, keep nothing back; He’ll do whatever needs to be done: He’ll validate your life in the clear light of day and stamp you with approval at high noon.” Psalm 37:5-6 (MSG)
Everything a man does is a search for validation The question is not “if” a man is seeking validation, but, “where is he seeking validation from? Our heads tell us that God validates us with the love and sacrifice of His son. But, do our hearts and behavior reflect that? To validate something is to “give it official sanction, confirmation, or approval.”
What makes us feel that we have value and worth? It is inbuilt in us to want validation, the feeling of having significance. The problem is, we try to get our validation from what we think we can control or manage, and avoid things we can't control – such as people, work, friends, accomplishments or our spouse. We plonk the onus on them, and they become our 'worth' barometer. We end up always trying to please people, and control situations. We stop believing that we have any real value or significance in the world. This results in killing our hearts, or trying to control the people in our world by killing them with kindness, wearing ourselves out by managing everything by ourselves. The problem is, we're also keeping God at arms length, and missing out on God’s love and acceptance – the key to value and significance. How does God validate us?
Terry Boyle, (Insight for Living) tells of a chance meeting with a stranger. This man had a theory about human nature, and they soon struck up a long conversation. He went through the traditional list of water, food, and shelter, but believed that even more important than these for human existence is, validation. His point? “We all long to know we are worthwhile, that our lives mean something, that we live a worthy life, a valid life.”
A non-Christian, he pressed on to tell Terry Boyle how Terry's own faith works. He said, “you work hard to live a life that makes you worthy to be allowed into heaven.” Breaking in Terry said, “Nope, you have that exactly backwards.” What the stranger was describing was nit Christianity, but Pharisaism – not the same thing.
Terry went on to explain. As a Pharisee you put in the effort because you believe it gives you prestige in God's eyes. You learn the rules, you follow the rules, and when you get it right, you praise yourself as bing worthy. It's all aboiut you – you don't owe God a thing, in fact, He owes you – your place in paradise is secure because you bought the ticket yourself – you can't be denied, you worked hard for it – you are self-validated.
A lot of people seem to have the same idea about how our faith works, but, what does the Bible say?.
He made you in his image and delights in you. – Genesis 1:27 ; Zephaniah 3:17
He stubbornly loves you even when you are unlovable. – John 3:16
God is for you not against you. – Romans 8:31
His plans for you are good. – Jeremiah 29:11
He has given you unique gifts, talents, and strengths. – Romans 12:6
This is validation. Any good standing we have before God isn't the result of our work, it's the result of His. Take time to look up the following Bible quotes: Ephesians 2:8-10; Romans 3:22; John 6:28-29; or, 1 Peter 1:5
What do we do with this information. These passages feel warm and overwhelming, but how do we own them? How do we begin to believe them in a way that it will change our behavior?
Look up the scriptures, print them or write them out. Put them on the refrigerator or bathroom mirror. Put them in your pocket, purse, in your car or in your office. Meditate on them by reading them quietly in your heart and prayers. Let thoughts and questions come up. Ponder your questions as you read and re-read these scriptures in the light of the truth they present.
I am convinced we will all begin to know God and ourselves in a more intimate way as you mediate on them, ponder them, and let them soak into our hearts.
As Terry Boyle told the stranger, our places in heaven don't depend on our lives being worthy. They depend on Jesus Christ's life being worthy – we subscribe into this worthy life through faith. By joining our unworthy life with His, through faith, God does the work of validating us. We don't have to scramble for it, or work at being worthy for God to love us. He already does. He sent His Son to prove it (John 3:16).
(Acknowledgements Bible Gateway and Inisght for Living)
“For you He left the Ninety-nine” - today's music. Click on the picture to listen.
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