Daily Reading
Return to BlogMARCH 2 - What do you believe?
'If we endure,
We shall also reign with Him.
If we deny Him,
He also will deny us.' 2 Timothy 2:12
In primary school I remember being ‘outed’ for being a Christian. The teacher asked the question “who believes in God?” (in those days you were allowed to ask)
‘He does!’ shouted a sniggering classmate pointing to me. All heads turned and the attention of everyone was firmly fixed on me.
“Well, what do believe then?”
I searched around in my head for a 5 second answer that would be compact, have rigour and yet be cool.
‘Well I believe in God but go to church on a Saturday instead of Sunday.’
“So you’re just a Christian then?”
‘Yes’ I replied and the spotlight faded away from me to someone else.
I was eight and yet I still replay the conversation over in my head. I could and should have said much more. But back then I don’t think I really knew what I believed. I knew that I enjoyed going to church and being around my friends there, but was there any doctrine? Maybe somewhere in my mind but I don’t recall where.
If asked that question now, today, my answer would certainly be different. As Seventh-day Adventist we have a unique message. We have seven pillars of our faith and we have 28 fundamentals to support them.
If you were asked that same question, what would your answer be?
The song today is a favourite of mine sent by Bryn 'I do believe' by the Gaither Vocal Band.
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