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March 16 - New Start

March 16 – New start

Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?” - Isaiah 43:19

Our good old british weather never lets us down does it. The trees are in bud, bulbs are pushing through the ground, daffodils are shining gold in the sunshine, and the birds are in competition for the morning chorus. Then just when we get to thinking that spring has arrived, down comes the rain, out comes the wind, plummet goes the temperature, and the weather outlook says more snow is on it's way! Changeable, or what? The weather, just like our lives, is full of new starts.

God tells us, even in the Old Testament, that He is doing a new thing. A new thing is a good thing. He is making a WAY for us in the wilderness, He is giving us streams of living water in times we are in the wastelands. “Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland” (Isaiah 43:18-19).

Writing of new beginings, Marvin Williams tells of Brayan, a young man who joined a gang in elementary school. Brayan ran away when he was 12 years old, and for 3 years was lost in gang and drug life. Although he left the gang and returned home, it was difficult for him, as he had been expelled from school for selling drugs. When he enrolled in a new high school, however, a teacher inspired and encouraged him to write about his experiences rather than repeat them. He embraced the challenge and is now experiencing a fresh start.

Try to make a new start alone though, and you will be sure to fail. Lean on the Lord, depend on His strength, and He will support you every step of the way. Put the past behind you. Look forward, and keep focused on the end goal.

God, through the prophet Isaiah, encouraged Jewish exiles to think about a new beginning as well. God said, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old” (Isa. 43:18). He told them to stop dwelling on their punishment and even on His display of power through the original exodus from Egypt. He wanted their attention to be focused on God who would give them a new beginning by bringing them home from Babylon through a new exodus (v.19).

With God, new beginnings are possible in our hearts. He can help us to let go of the past. Relationship with Him provides a new hope for all who will trust Him.

The Hebrew remnant was facing the arduous trek back to the Promised Land and the demands of rebuilding their lives. Certainly, a feeling of insecurity must have filled their hearts. Yet the Lord was with them and would provide protection and success.

Today, perhaps more than ever, we also need to trust in God’s provision. Inevitably, challenges of transition, new circumstances, and an uncertain future can cause anxiety. Yet the living God gives us this promise: “I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” (v.19). No matter what difficulties we encounter, God will find a way for us. No load is too heavy for Him.

(Acknowledgements Marvin Williams).

Appropriately, today's music is “God Will Make a Way” - presented by Janet Paschal.

Click on the picture to listen.



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