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June 29 - Anchor's away!

June 29 – Anchor's away!

"But the Lord watches over those who fear him, those who rely on his unfailing love. He rescues them from death  and keeps them alive in times of famine. We put our hope in the Lord. He is our help and our shield. In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. Let your unfailing love surround us, Lord, for our hope is in you alone” - Psalm 33: 18-22

Primary level education sure has come a long way since my school days one of our local schools has a crammed schedule of extra-curricula activities.

Last week a friends daughter took part in her first overnight camping experience, along with eight other girls from her class – their first taste of independence and self-sufficiency away from their parents. The weather was good - the threatened rain never happened. The youngsters had a whale of a time, (it didn't matter that their camp-ground was the school playing field) and by the time it ended the following afternoon, the children were fairly bursting with their newly acquired self-confidence and 'abilities' . Nothing was going to hold them back now!

This brought to mind the time, as a child, I went for the first time to an organised camp meeting. I remember being SO excited as it was going to be the first time I had been away from my parents and family. I was simply bouncing, and full of hope and plans for the days ahead! Everything was wonderful – a real adventure, with new discoveries every day, and no early night time curfew. Instead everyone sat around a huge campfire, eating roast potatoes, and singing in-between bites.

Sounds idyllic – and it was. Until the weather broke. The heavens opened and torrential rain soon turned lush green fields into a squelching Glastonbury style mud bath. By tea-time the rain had been joined by a howling gale so there was no choice but to hunker down in our tents. That night we were to learn the importance of prayer and putting our hope and faith in the Lord to keep us safe, so despite our nervousness we were soon asleep.

The tent we were in was of the tent peg – guy rope – and central pole type, and camped as we were in a cliff top field, we were a sitting ducks when the the wind peaked around one o'clock in the morning. It was then that the force of the wind lifted the tent, pulling up the tent pegs and snapping the central tent pole, collapsing the whole thing on top of us....or, so I'm told.

I don't know which of the tent's six sleepers raised the alarm, but apparently there was pandemonium as camp staff in their soaking wet jim-jams wrestled to repair and re-erect a tent whose only intent was to do a clifftop bungie jump!

Where was I while all this was going on? Snoring, yes, literally snoring away, oblivious to the carry on around me. The first I knew about it was the following morning when the bell rang for breakfast. I had slept through it all!

Rather like the old sailor who looked at the skies and saw a dark storm coming. As the sea became rough and choppy, the old salt calmly lowered the heavy-chained anchor link by link, battened down the hatches and went to bed for the night. He knew the storm would be rough. But he had faith in the grasp of the anchor. He knew his boat would be there in the morning. (CBN)

The old salt's faith and hope was in the strength and security of his ship's anchor, He slept soundly with the assurance that no matter how severe the storm may be – no matter how the boat was shaken, battered and bruised, he would be safe and secure

Like that sailor, we have an "anchor" for our lives that can help us stand fast through the storms of life. No matter what is thrown our way -

You will be secure, because there is hope; you will look about you and take your rest in safety.

You will lie down, with no one to make you afraid, and many will court your favor” - Job 11:18-19

An old Country favourite is music for today's blog - Tennessee Ernie Ford - “Stand by Me”. Click on the picture to listen.



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