Daily Reading
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June 2 – Never too late.
“Now here I am, eighty-five years old. I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out, and I am just as ready to fight now as I was then. So give me the mountain country the LORD promised me that day long ago.” (Joshua 14:10b-12a NCV)
Bertie Gladwin left school aged 14 with no interest in academia after he was put in the low ability class by teachers. Today, at the grand old age of 91, he has a total of three degrees and is even considering doing a PhD. He says that his time at university has helped him understand young people and hopes he showed them that 'old people aren't too bad either' Bertie gained a degree in Military Intelligence. He describes himself as “just a late bloomer.”
Are you retired? Coming up to retirement? Or, looking at it from a long distance, too busy and involved with your lives that it's not even a passing thought?
For some, retirement holds thoughts of travel, taking up a hobby, spending time with grandchildren....FREEDOM!! True, the nine to five schedule may be over, but what about God’s continued calling on your life, your work for Him....that never ends. Perhaps you believe you have done your stint over the years, and physically, you ain't what you used to be, your past it. But you’ve got to believe it’s never, never too late.
After Joshua sent the 12 spies into the Promised Land, they returned and reported that the land was too hard a place for God’s people to settle. Because of their unbelief, God had a nation wander around in the desert for another 40 years, and an entire generation died because they did not believe in God’s promises. But Caleb and Joshua believed, and they got to live.
Forty years later, Caleb was 85 years old and living his second chance when the Israelites returned to the Promised Land. He said, “Now here I am, eighty-five years old. I am still as strong today as the day Moses sent me out, and I am just as ready to fight now as I was then. So give me the mountain country the LORD promised me that day long ago” (Joshua 14:10b-12a NCV).
Now there's enthusiasm - “Give me the mountain country.” I love that! Caleb not only wanted to be set to work, the land he wanted was full of giants and cities fortified with great walls. He was saying to God, “Give me the biggest assignment. Give me the hardest city. Give me the place with the biggest giants. Give me the mountain regions. I don’t want some easy place. I know I’m 85 years old, but I’ve still got it in me to do great things for you.” Oh, for such an attitude!
Just when we think it's time to mothball the working clothes – stash the briefcase at the back of the wardrobe, that's exactly the time to dust off the growing cobwebs on our minds, and roll up the sleeves! Do you think God’s going to let you live 30 more years just to play golf?
Here’s a word that’s not in the Bible: retirement. We may stop working, but as long as life lasts we keep serving the Lord. We have more wisdom and experience now, and God is not going to waste that. At the age of 85, Caleb began the greatest mission of his life. Moses was 80 when God called him to set God’s people free. Abraham was 79 when he received God’s call....the list goes on
In 1908, the Rev. Noah Smith was born. As America's oldest practicing preacher, he died peacefully last year, aged 107. Smith, a former artist and musician, who mentored many pastors, did not become a minister until the age of 49. He worked every day. You never saw him not working, and he would never go out in public without a suit and tie. He always dressed wherever he went. That was something that he took pride in. He took his mission, his calling, very seriously....a man praised by all for his tenacity and devotion to the Lord's calling. He left a legacy that is really indescribable. (CBS)
If you are in the Caleb generation, you have to believe that it’s never too late to start on your life calling. The best is yet to come!
Especially when we “Know Who Holds Tomorrow” - LIVE. Click on the picture of the Rev. Noah Smith to listen.
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