Daily Reading
Return to BlogJune 15 - Pardon??
June 15 - Pardon??
“So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God”.
James 1:19-20
You will have heard the expressions 'Turning a deaf ear?' and 'Selective hearing'. If we're totally honest, we can all put up our hands and say occasionally, we have been “Guilty” on both counts. It can be humiliating and frustrating if you are the individual whose words are falling on 'deaf' ears, as the recipient attempts to present an 'I'm listening – gripped' pose, while looking over your shoulder, scanning the room, and eavesdropping on others....stop speaking mid sentence and they don't notice. Are we really that boring!
President Franklin D. Roosevelt one day had had enough – he got tired of smiling broadly and saying all the usual things at those White House receptions. So, one evening he decided to find out if people was really paying attention to what he was saying. As each person came up to him with extended hand, he flashed his big smile and said, "I murdered my grandmother this morning." People would automatically respond with comments such as "How lovely." or "Continue on with your great work." Nobody listened to what he was saying, except for one foreign diplomat. When the president said, "I murdered my grandmother this morning," the diplomat responded softly, "I'm sure she had it coming to her.
It's a funny story, but how would we have done? It seems that nowadays we have lot's to say but we're not very good at listening. There's such a lack of good listening skills in this day and age that we pay someone a lot of money just to listen to us! It's not just our fellow man (and woman) we don't pay attention to. More importantly, God too has many things He wants to say to us - but we're always talking, talking, talking! Who would blame Him if He went in for the 'deaf ear' and 'selective listening?'
Perhaps it's time we did a lot less talking and more listening - today. Let's give the Lord and others a chance to be heard. (Acknowledgements worthydevotions)
Music today is performed by Brock Human - “Are You Listening” (LIVE) Click on the picture to listen.
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