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JULY 28 - Your greatest gift?

JULY 28 - What has been your greatest gift?

'God is love' 1John 4:8

A short thought this morning.

Discussing this question at the end of term with a class of children aged 7-8 elicits some fantastic answers.
'My blue toy cars with the silver strips'
'My frozen doll' Not literally but a character from the Pixar film,  anyway a doll!
'My Xbox 360'

I could have added to this list but I won't. The author Selwyn Hughes wrote,

'If you take love out of an angel, what do you have left? A devil. If you take love out of a human being, what do you have left? A sinner.  If you take love out of God - what do you have left? Nothing - for God is love. Love is not something God does: love is what He is.'

God's greatest gift is love,  what is yours?

"God is love" 1John 4:8 or as Selwyn Hughes puts it,  God love is.

Our song this morning is 'love' by Kirk Franklin



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