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JULY 17-18 - Look for the light

JULY 17-18 – Look for the light

When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am” - John 14:2

John Todd was very young when the deaths of his parents left him orphaned. He was one of several children, and, as was common in the early 1800s, he and all his siblings were farmed out to relatives. An aunt offered to take little John. She sent a servant by the name of Caesar to bring John to her. The boy climbed on the back of the horse, wrapped his small arms around the man, and set out for her house. His questions unveiled his fears.

Will she be there? Oh, yes,” Caesar assured. “She'll be there waiting up for you.” “Will I like living with her?” “My son, you fall into good hands.” “Will she love me?” The servant was patient and soft in his reply. “Ah, she has a big heart.” “Do you think she will go to bed before we get there?” “Oh, no! She'll be sure to wait up for you. You'll see when we get out of these woods. You'll see her candle in the window.”

Sure enough, as they neared the house, John saw a candle in the window and his aunt standing in the doorway. As he shyly approached the porch. She reached down and kissed him and said “Welcome home!”

Young John Todd grew up in his aunt's care. She was a mother to him. When the time came for him to select a profession, he followed a call into the ministry. Years later, the role with his aunt was reversed. She sent news of her failing health and impending death. Here is what he wrote in reply:

My Dear Aunt,

Years ago, I left a house of death, not knowing where I was to go, whether anyone cared, whether it was the end of me. The ride was long, but the servant encouraged me, Finally I arrived to your embrace and a new home. I was expected, I felt safe. You did it all for me.

Now it is your turn to go. I'm writing to let you know, someone is waiting up, your room is all ready, the light is on, the door is open, and you're expected.

"In My Father's house are many dwelling places; if it were not so, I would have told you; for I go to prepare a place for you. If I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself, that where I am, there you may be also” - John 14:2-3

Guy Penrod presents us with an old favourite - “Softly and Tenderly.” Click on the picture to listen.



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