Daily Reading
Return to BlogJANUARY 30-31 - Lest We Forget
JANUARY 30-31 – Lest We Forget
"And He withdrew from them about a stone's throw, and He knelt down and began to pray, saying, "Father, if You are willing, remove this cup from Me; yet not My will, but Yours be done." Now an angel from heaven appeared to Him, strengthening Him.… “ - Luke 22: 42
As I write this, the local BBC TV news is commemorating Auschwitz Memorial Day. They are reporting live from inside the Auschwitz concentration camp. Three hundred survivor's of the camps, now in their 80's and 90's, along with world leaders, are gathered together in a service of remembrance for the 6,000,000 Jews who were exterminated in the camp gas chambers – half a million of these were children. In addition to these, 70,000 Polish Jews were murdered in their own towns and cities by use of portable gas chambers. The inhumanity staggers belief. There is no wonder that Jesus wept as He looked down through the centuries!
70th Holocaust Service at Auschwitz - January 2015
Many Christians also died because of their allegiance to God and their faith, and as I watched and listened to the stories of the Holocaust survivor's, my mind turned to a story from the underground church in the former Soviet Union – another time and place with persecution in common. Churches were closed and open worship services banned, along with ownership of a Bible, so Christians met secretly in each other's homes. With only one copy of the Gospel of Luke, they tore it into segments and shared among them. Once memorised they exchanged portions at their next meeting.
The following Sabbath, to avert suspicion by the KGB, small groups of people arrived at the appointed house at intervals throughout the day. At dusk the doors and windows were closed and locked. The group of believers had begun to quietly sing a hymn when the door was burst open by two soldiers toting loaded automatic rifles. One of them shouted, “All right, everybody line up against the wall. If you wish to renounce your commitment to Jesus Christ, leave now!” Two or three left quickly....then another....and seconds later, two more.
The soldiers barked another command, “This is your last chance. Either turn against your faith in Christ, or stay and suffer the consequences.” Three more 'christians' covered their faces and left into the night. Those left behind trembled as they reassured their children, fully expecting to bee gunned down or taken prisoner. Complete silence fell as the second soldier closed the door. Then he said, “Keep your hands up – but this time in praise of our Lord Jesus Christ, brothers and sisters. We too are Christians....”
It transpired that the soldiers had been ordered to raid another house church, but instead of killing, they were converted. They went on to say, “We have learned by experience however, that unless people are willing to die for their faith, they cannot be fully trusted.” What incredible faith and trust in God these people had – to lose their lives was preferable to losing their souls.
What difficult decisions will we have to make this week because of our faith? In what areas will we face ridicule? Temptation? Hard times? Pray God, we stand fast and strong.
Our choice of song is “Lead Me To Calvary” - ECT TRIO. Click on the picture to listen.
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