Daily Reading
Return to BlogJanuary 12 - Riding the Waves
January 12 - Riding the waves
“A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh” - Luke 6:45.
Are you, and I, riding only on the surface waves of life? A surf boarder is trained to skim the water and that's right for them because the whole idea is to ride on top as long as they can; all the way in to the beach if possible. But is it a good idea for us to treat our lives that same way, especially our spiritual lives?
We were meant by God to traverse the deep waters. Psalm 92:5 says; "O Lord, how great are your works! Your thoughts are very deep." Staying up on the surface of life may be pleasant but it's shallow and in the end our lives will feel meaningless.
How can we get down deeper? One way is to examine our priorities. What is most important to you, to me? The way you can tell that is by observing two things: what you talk about and what you spend time on. The Bible says that out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. (See Luke 6:45) Therefore what we talk about is what we really care about the most. And it will follow that those things we care about are the things in which we will invest the most time.
After you spend a few days mentally logging your talk and time habits you can ask yourself how you ended up. Shallow? Deep? Superficial? Substantial? At the end of your life will you be satisfied with the time you invested in those things?
If you find yourself skimming the surface of life's waters, jump off your surfboard. Dive into the deepest waters you can find. Cold, deep, clear, pure - yes; but it is in that place where you will connect with the deep thoughts of God.
(Acknowledgements Hannahs Cupboard)
Music today is sung by Don Moen - "Take me Deeper". Click on the picture to listen.
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