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February 3-4 - In the beginning

February 3-4 - In the beginning

Praise him, you highest heaven and the water above the sky. Let them praise the name of the Lord because they were created by his command. He set them in their places forever and ever. He made it a law that no one can break” (Psalm 148:4-6 GW).

Now this is a feat of memory! I was attending a country school and had just moved up from junior school into “big” school – all of eleven years old. Brought up to believe in Creationism, God spoke and it happened, I was amazed to hear the science teacher promoting the view that the earth had dropped off from the sun. That day we were required, as part of the lesson, to draw a diagram of this 'sun/earth' teaching. I just could not do it, so instead of a diagram, my effort was a picture of God in heaven creating the world etc. You can imagine the furore this caused. Told to stand on the teacher's desk and asked if I thought I knew better than the scientists, the teacher left the classroom to bring the headmaster to hear the outrage for himself. Undeterred by my audience I proceded to give them a Bible study on how the earth, animals, and humans were created by God https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_D-C4_7x9Rw, to the science teacher' amusement.  The headmaster?   He left saying it had given him food for thought. In later years at university reading Psychology, I was to come across this 'science only' theory once again.

Someone may have told you at one time that the Bible isn’t scientifically accurate. That person is wrong. He or she has either never studied the Bible or never studied science.

God set up the laws of science; he made sure that his Word doesn’t contradict those laws.

Rick Warren writes that Johannes Kepler, the famous mathematician and astronomer, once said, “Science is simply thinking God’s thoughts after him.” In other words, God established the laws of physics, and then we discover them.

The Bible wasn’t meant to be a scientific textbook. You don’t study the Bible to build a rocket. And the Bible doesn’t use scientific language. But the Bible never gives bad science! Not once during the 1,600 years in which the Bible was written does it give bad science. In fact, it’s always ahead of science.

For example:

  • For thousands of years, people believed that the earth was flat. But God said 2,600 years ago in Isaiah 40:22 that God is enthroned above the sphere of the earth.

  • For thousands of years, people believed something held the earth up. Hindus believed huge elephants did it. The Greeks believed Atlas did it. The Egyptians believed five columns held the earth up. The Bible never says that anything is holding the planet up.

  • For thousands of years, people believed that the number of stars were finite. But Jeremiah 33:22 says the number of stars can’t be counted.

In 1861 a very famous book came out called “Fifty-one Incontrovertible Proofs that the Bible is Scientifically Inaccurate.” Today, you can’t find a single scientist on the planet who would agree with any one of those “incontrovertible facts.” They’ve all been disproved by science.

The Bible says, “Praise him, you highest heaven and the water above the sky. Let them praise the name of the Lord because they were created by his command. He set them in their places forever and ever. He made it a law that no one can break” (Psalm 146:4-6 GW).

You can’t say that the second law of thermodynamics works today but not tomorrow. It always works because it is true and made by God.

Have the courage to stand on God's Word, and you will never go wrong....maybe even convict someone else of the Truth.

Music? The Singing Cookes - “Designed by a King.” Click on the picture to listen and sing along.



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