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FEBRUARY 27-28 - Be Prepared

FEBRUARY 27-28 – Be Prepared

But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord” - Joshua 24:15.

Wafula and his family lived in Africa. Early one morning Wafula went out in search of milk for his family who were still asleep. Agnes, aged 13, woke and decided to surprise her father by having a fire and cooked breakfast ready when he got back. No-one knows why, but the fire caused the pressure cooker she was using to explode, setting the single room cabin alight.

Hearing the screams and seeing the flames, Wafula ran back and tried to rescue his family, but the flames were too intense, he could do nothing but watch. Within minutes, a mother and five children were wiped out.

All around the world today -– at this moment, the warning, “today, thy soul is required of thee” - Luke 12:20, faces us all with our mortality -– our need to stop procrastinating and choose today who we shall serve.

Yesterday's blog illustrated that for all the worldly wealth and acclaim the rich young man had, – despite the fact that all his life he had kept the Commandments, his faith was based on externals, he hadn't the ability to achieve salvation on his own. Sadly, he believed he could love and serve God, and hang on to his wealth. He had another God and chose that before His Saviour. His moment of grace and the treasures of heaven were there for the taking -– offered to him by Christ in person, and he walked away. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YehxfK8oXx0

I don't know if Wafula and his family believed in Jesus as their Saviour -– I pray they did. But one thing is certain, when they woke that morning to a new day, they had no idea that it would be their last. What about us. If this was our last day, are we living it secure in the knowledge that, whatever may occur, we are safe in the Lord's arms....now, and for eternity?

Many, like Malcolm, the rich young man, hear the appeals and are persuaded they should accept, but they put it off for another day, another time. Just like the reply Felix gave to the Apostle Paul in Acts 24:25 “Go thy way for this time; when I have a convenient season, I will call for you.”

We have no time for fence sitting – it's decision time now.

Thank you Bryn for today's music, “As For Me And My House” - John Waller



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