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February 13 - Mobile or broadband?

February 13

Pray without ceasing. I Thessalonians 5:17

For all the evils of technology, for which there are many, the internet in it’s purest form is a good thing. It was built to communicate and that is what is does, it communicates information and connects people. Without it I would not be writing, and you would not be reading, this blog.

In order to access the internet you need some sort of data plan. This is the currency telecom companies use to transfer information (data – in computer language!) When the internet began in1969 it was what we call fixed network. This meant that you had to be in one place to either end or receive it. Nowadays this method is called ‘broadband’. It is where access to the internet is through your landline or fixed line phone. It in same way that you can only receive calls to you home telephone, you can only use broadband internet if you are at home.  In 1990 when Tim Berners-Lee created the first web the world could not have envisaged a time when devices small enough to go into your pocket would be able to access the web ‘on the go’. Mobile internet made all of that possible.

Do you take Jesus with you wherever you go, like mobile internet, or do you attach him to you house, your church or a place of work like a fixed network broadband provider?

Do you think about Jesus as many times as you check your phone?

Do you love Jesus more than your phone, TV or preferred technological device? It may draw a smile but isn’t it easier to talk about your technology than it is to talk about Jesus to someone?

Food for thought.

‘Will you love Jesus more?’ is the song for today. Click on the picture to listen.



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