Daily Reading
Return to BlogDecember 24 - At the stroke of twelve
December 24 – At the stroke of twelve
“But the LORD will still give you proof. A virgin is pregnant; she will have a son and will name him Immanuel” (Isaiah 7:14) A child is born to us! A son is given to us! And he will be our ruler. He will be called, “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Eternal Father,” “Prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6)
The star had been followed, the journey had been made, a resting place found, and now, at midnight, a child was born – a baby boy, the Son of God. Born to Mary, little more than a child herself – a thirteen year old virgin, and her fiance Joseph. A miracle of love.
Considering the awesome role he had been called to fulfilL, little is said in the Scriptures about Joseph, but what a remarkable man he must have been! His commitment and depth of his love for Mary is undoubted. His one aim throughout was to protect her. Joseph also demonstrated his implicit faith in God, and his desire to obey His word.
Can you imagine the gossip, the sniggering and finger pointing that would have gone on? And that was only the neighbours and fellow temple worshippers. What about Joseph facing his parents, and Mary's?....”Mum, Dad, Mary is pregnant....but we had nothing to do with it – honest!” I can imagine that going down like a sack of bricks - especially when they said it was all down to an angel!
I wonder, was there a sudden demand in the neighburhood for carpentry orders as people visited the workroom hoping to chat up Joseph and get him to give them an 'exclusive'?
There are so many questions I want to ask when we all get to heaven....Who delivered the Baby, was it Joseph, or the inn keeper's wife? Who cut the umbilical cord, and did Joseph take a turn in the night when the Baby needed changing and feeding?
What about the 'Egyptian years'? What happened between the flight into Egypt and the family's return to Damascus? - important years in the Child's education and development. Where did they live, and how did they financially support themselves?
Then there are the silent years between the family's return to Galilee and turning water into wine at the Cana wedding. What was happening in Jesus' life during that time? So many questions about the Miracle of Love, the Baby in the manger. It's a good thing that life will be everlasting!
Music this Christmas time is “The Miracle of Love” sung by Cliff Richard.
Click on the picture to listen.
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