Daily Reading
Return to BlogDecember 22 - Are you ready?
“Be ye therefore ready also, for the Son of Man cometh at an hour when ye think not.” Luke 12:40
Are you ready? No not for Christmas but for Jesus to come. What does your faith mean to you? In this time of festivities when the world stops to celebrate Santa Claus and the giving of gifts under the guise of the Christmas stor
y, we would do well to ponder our stance. Even if you don’t celebrate Christmas, give cards, over eat as tradition suggests or treat it like a special day. What does your faith mean to you?
Whilst you are thinking about that question kindly spare a thought for the 7 evangelical Christians in Mexico who were recently imprisoned for refusing to convert to Catholicism. I imagine that you’re their faith is ‘real’ right now as they contemplate time behind bars.
My friends’, persecution has indeed started. So, what does your faith mean to you? Is it somehing that just comes out at this time of year so you can either celebrate or not?
'Are you ready for Jesus to come?' is the song or today. Click on the picture to listen.
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