Daily Reading
Return to BlogAUGUST 6 - A friend in need
AUGUST 6 – A friend in need
“They gathered in such large numbers that there was no room left, not even outside the door, and he preached the word to them. Some men came, bringing to him a paralysed man, carried by four of them. Since they could not get him to Jesus because of the crowd, they made an opening in the roof above Jesus by digging through it and then lowered the mat the man was lying on. When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralysed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven” - Mark 2:2-5 [NLT]
In our daily lives we all meet, people who are down and troubled – individuals who don’t seem to have anything in their lives going quite right. All of these people aren’t strangers either. They’re actually our friends. In the moments of dark skies, black clouds, and harsh winds, do we take time out of our lives and reach out to them or leave them hanging? Do we seem at loss to find a reason to actually run to their aid?
The man on the stretcher was totally immobilized. We don't know his name – we'll call him Simon. Simon's condition was undiagnosed, and slowly over the years he had deteriorated until he had become bedridden. Throughout, his friends had remained faithful and it was only through the immense effort of four of those friends that he was able to be brought to the Healer. And that’s what happened.
As they approached the house where the Healer was staying, the crowds of sick, disabled, and curious, grew thicker as they jostled to try and get into the house – the sound of groans and cries for help drenched the air. The house was packed to over-flowing. Simon's heart sank as the seeming futility of his situation struck home – again. He was paralysed, there was no way he could get off the stretcher, let alone get into that house and attract the Healer's attention....they may as well go home. Why did they even come on such a futile journey? Why did he agree with his friends when they offered him hope of meeting the Healer and being cured?
Simon had given in from despair, but his friends saw the situation as just one more challenge to be overcome. An alternative entrance to the house was the only answer – but how? The house had one door, one way in, and one way out. They 'took five' and decided the roof was the only way to go. They made a hole and carefully lowered Simon on his stretcher....right to the feet of Jesus, the Healer.
Imagine the amazement, the commotion, the protests! But what if these men had instead come to the conclusion that it was just way too much work? Would take way too long? Seemed pointless because, really, what was Jesus going to do with him anyway? Their friend would have never been able to experience the forgiveness and healing he so desperately needed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7l5yFH64QhQ
There was more to the challenge than just the accessibility of the building. In amongst the crowd were hostile opponents. Scribes and Pharisees sitting in judgment of Jesus feeling he didn’t possess the power to forgive nor grant anyone any healing. They couldn’t understand how anyone but God alone could do such works. 'Now some teachers of the law were sitting there, thinking to themselves, “Why does this fellow talk like that? He’s blaspheming! Who can forgive sins but God alone?”' - Mark 2:6-7 [NLT] What if Simon’s friends feared the condemnation of others? The judgment of the lawmakers certainly wouldn’t stop with Christ. His supporters could be condemned right along with those who received healing. Could this fear have prevented this man’s future? Yes,definitely, but the friends cared more for Simon than they did their possible punishment. They demonstrated their faith in a way Jesus could outwardly see.
Many people say they believe in Jesus, but only those who have corresponding actions really do. Sometimes, Christians say they believe certain promises in the Bible, but their contrary actions prove they really don’t. Let us have awareness for those in need, who are paralysed spiritually, and bless them with our friendship. We’ve been been there and had our sins forgiven. Christ will bless those who seek this forgiveness, too. lead others to the power of Jesus as a friend of faith willing to help.
“Be careful you don’t throw people off a roof that you should be lowering them through.” – Todd Adkins, Lifeway
The Gaithers bring us today's music - “He Touched Me” - (LIVE)
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