Daily Reading
Return to BlogAPRIL 7 - Just the beginning...
'Carefully study to present thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth.' 2 Timothy 2:15
Sometimes what we have been led to believe is actually not true. That was me today. Now I will admit that I do not remember who I heard it from or indeed when, but I was absolutely convinced that the crossing of your fingers, like the picture, was a negative action - even linked with the occult. When I voiced it, I was very pleasantly surprised that I could not have been further from the truth. Now if you know this already please indulge me.
To cross one's fingers is a hand gesture commonly used to implore God for protection. The gesture is referred to by the common expression "keeping one's fingers crossed" or just "fingers crossed" and has also been historically used in order to allow early Christian believers to recognize one another during times of persecution.
I learned something today through a first a correction and then a few seconds of investigation on my smart phone. It isn’t that difficult, if you live in the western world, to get your hands on information. Gone are the days of scrolling through microfiche at your local library or waiting for the book, that you ordered in specially, just to read a couple of pages.
Now I know that most Christian churches do not believe that Jesus was actually born on Christmas day December 25th. Nor are they sure of the calendar day of the crucifixion of Christ. I have heard many stories as to why Easter is celebrated but do you know what it really means, as in the origins? It is even Christian? We owe it to ourselves, and our witness to others, to find out. Sometimes this reading is just the beginning...
Danny Ray Harris sings a beautiful song 'The stone that rolled away'. Click on the picture to listen.
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