Daily Reading
Return to BlogAPRIL 6 - This IS important
‘Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. Six days you shall labour and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God.’ Exodus 20:8-10
The majority of the Christian world worship on Sunday, the first day of the week. It is for them, their Sabbath. They worship with sincerity and conviction and probably most of them have never considered that they might be doing anything wrong. But they are.
One of the pillars of the Seventh-day Adventist church is the seventh-day Sabbath. Mark Finley suggests that there are four ways.
- The Bible: It clearly reveals that Jesus was crucified on the Preparation day (Luke 23:54). His closest followers rested as commanded on the Sabbath day (Luke 23:56; Mark 16:1). Most Christians recognize Jesus died on Friday, the Preparation day; He rested the next day, and rose the first day, Sunday. The Sabbath is the day between Friday and Sunday, or the seventh day—Saturday.
- Language: In more than one hundred and forty languages in the world, the word for the seventh day, which we call Saturday, is the word Sabbath. Language testifies to the Sabbath’s preservation through the centuries.
- Astronomy: The leading astronomers in the world testify to the fact that the weekly cycle has never changed. Centres such as the Royal Naval Observatory in the U.S. and The Royal Greenwich Observatory in England affirm the fact of a constant weekly cycle.
- History: The Jewish people have kept an accurate record of the Sabbath. For more than four thousand years, they have preserved the true Sabbath on Saturday.
Does it matter on which day as long as you worship?
Clearly it does as Gods uses the critical word ‘remember’ for a reason. If you have not been challenged by the Sabbath truth before, ask some questions of your Elders and Pastoral team. Do you own research and challenge some friends. Above all things read the bible for yourself and be sure to pray before doing so.
The song today is 'The power of your love' sung by the Oslo Gospel Choir. Click on the picture to listen.
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