Daily Reading
Return to BlogAPRIL 17-18 - Confidence
APRIL 17-18 – Confidence
“For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come....shall be able to separate us from the love of Gof, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” - Romans 8:38.39.
I love that passage. I love to hear it, read it, and I love to contemplate the depth of it's meaning – never more so than at those times when the clouds roll in, and situations arise that are beyond my control.
The Bible tells us of many ordinary people who faced problems of one sort or another. Two of these were, Mary. Mary knew what desperation was like, she had been used, abused, and rejected by many men. Yes, Mary was a “lady of the night.” (John 7:53-8:11). The woman at the well also had a chequered sexual history (John 4:) - five husbands and living with yet another man. Both women felt defeated and worthless. If at times you too feel that way, read Romans chapter eight.
The chapter begins with the proclamation that there is “No condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1 RSV), and ends by declaring that salvation is a free gift from God to all, and that there is absolutely nothing that can separate us from God's love.
In between there is packed assurance after assurance to encourage us through the bad times in our lives, the times we do things we deeply regret afterwards. We are God's children and have the promise of future glory....He works out all things for our good. Nothing or no-one can break this bond and come between us and our Saviour – He makes us more than conquerors.
What more can be said? In Romans eight Paul continues to hammer home, pound down, and almost SHOUT one of the Bible's greatest teachings – we cannot be losers if we choose to maintain a faith relationship with God through Jesus. Wow, that's powerful stuff?
But Paul isn't done. In our Scripture (top of the page), he again stamps home that we are secure and safe, nothing, but nothing shall be able to come between us and Jesus, no matter what our problems and trials may be.
Jesus didn't reject either Mary, or the Woman at the Well - just told them to go and put their lives in order....sin no more. Mary was later to anoint the feet of Jesus, and be the first person to see Him after the resurrection. The Woman at the Well? she became the first evangelist, spreading the good news of the Messiah to the town that had rejected her.
Let us never forget that our confidence and assurance lies, not in our frail, fickle love for God, but in His love for us – steadfast and sure. Our hope is to “hang in there” by faith – never let go of God, and victory lies ahead!
Acknowledgements to George Knight.
Music for today is “Nothing Between” sung by Samanthia Cassidy
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